Creeping Crud Take 2

Nov 30, 2009 23:00

I already told you all about the major cold. Well, what I didn't say was that when I made Celina go to the insta care, that I said, I think we have bronchitis. Well the dr there dashed that out by saying she just had a bad cold ( I didn't get seen- Celina said if it was something bad, I could be seen, if not, I'd have to tough it out). I was cool with that..

So anyway, since then, shes missed 3 days of work and neither one of us is getting any better with the coughing ( well I am during the day but come night time, ugh!!). Finally last night and today I said, You really need to go back. So she called and went to the regular doctor today and lo and behold.... WE HAVE BRONCHITIS!!!!!

Can I say I was smug about that all day?

And blessings do abound,,, Celina was telling her dr that I don't have insurance, should we go to insta care, or have me seen right there, and if so how much is it... He says to us, hold on... runs out of the room, and comes back in with a Rx pad.. asks me if I am allergic to anything, and writes me a script right then and there, totally no charge. So now we are both on antibiotics and while she will get better faster with the z-pack, as opposed to me and my 10 days worth of meds Im not allergic to, I am happy to finally have someone tell me what it was.

Tomorrow is Gabes well baby check and we are going to tell the dr about his coughing too, since we have to make sure he doesnt have bronchitis now..

I better be done with being sick now!!

Also I had to break down and actually get a real coat this year. I cannot believe how much colder it is here than in Grand Junction. I can't beleive either, how happy I am to wear the silly thing, since I hate coats in general!!!!!

I'm looking forward to Christmas. We put up the tree this past Saturday, and the lawn decorations Sunday. We took some back, because we didn't quite plan the whole how are we going to plug them all in, idea. So we got oh about 4 too many things to safely plug in with what we have.

Bekah seems to be doing better now that she's got someone to talk to. She's still a little cheeky now and again, and doesnt listen for shit, but her attitude is improving a bit each day. They told us she would probably start Stride the first of January..

I was supposed to teach the 5th and 6th graders all they ever wanted to know about geography at her school , for the annual knowledge bowl, but the woman who organizes it is about as unorganized as anything. She calls me FOUR weeks after she was supposed to hand out info, to see if I was still interested ( got me to agree and then told me she was 4 weeks behind) planned a meeting for the following week, which she forgot about and called me on the day of to let me know it wasnt happening, never told me when the next one was, ( which was today) and then had Bekah call me to find out where I was? I said, you know what, NOW we are SIX weeks behind in educating these kids, and I am not going to do it now. If you are that unorganzied, then you are wasting my time and the kids' time. So count me out. But Bekah signed up for it to participate so it's cool for her.

On the laptop front, it's toast, but my hard drive was safe so 50.00 later I now on a 3x6 portable hard drive box with said hard drive in it, and still no computer. I have to put mine up for sale, for parts, and whatever I get I will put toward a new laptop. I like the mini laptops except they don't have a cd/dvd drive in them so :( won't be getting one of those..

Black Friday was fun, except for the part where Wal Mart made us stand in the cold meat section for the item we were standing for, which was TV's for Celina's sisters. Her dad was actually there, but he decided he wanted 2 instead of one, and since they wouldnt let him change his mind, we went and got tickets for 2 and stood with him for 5 hours, until Celina got verbal with a manager wannabe who then gave her dad a ticket for 2 since they didn't want her telling the store manager that they were being toads and denying walmart a sale ( oh and there were only 3 people in line for 104 televisions, so its not like we were being greedy at the last minute or anything.. ) so then we turned in our ticket and left, and came home and slept until 230 pm!! Kids were at Grammes house so it was good solid sleep ( especially for me since if Gabe even thinks of turning over, I can hear him),,

Now she's at work, and I have peace in my house. It's quiet, the kids are asleep and here in a few minutes I am going to take stock of the gifts I bought her, and see what else it is I want to get for her... Then I need to get a start on my Christmas cards, I want them out by the 5th at the latest..

This year has flown by it seems, and I hope 2010 brings alot of good things, and good days for everyone I know.

Hope everyone has a good night!!
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