Books and Illnesses

Nov 02, 2009 22:56

Eleven on Top
Twelve Sharp
Plum Lovin'
Lean Mean Thirteen
Plum Lucky
Fearless Fourteen

and now all I have left is Plum Spooky and Finger Lickin Fifteen

on the illness side, Bekah may have the swine flu. *MAY* being the operative word. Yesterday she was just fine, and then today she came home from school complaining of a sore neck, sore throat, she was very cold and congested. So we decided, since we all just ran the bout with sickness and she was kinda sick last time but not enough to warrant any excitement, that we would visit the dr, thinking she had strep throat and that she fought off the last cold and it came back..

She doesnt, and he suspects that she may have the swine flu. At first I rolled my eyes at him ( and yes he saw) because I was thinking well sure you think that, its a way to push the Tamiflu but then he said to us, "Based on her prior asthma history, I am going to assume she has it and we are going to treat it because she is high risk" and everyone knows it can go from bad to hell in a matter of hours. So based on a scale of 1-10 he sits her at a 6 for swine flu. Especially when her fever went from 100.4 to 102 in three hours.

So shes in bed, ibuprofened up and with her first dose of Tamiflu hopefully doing it's job and she's got the house phone beside her in case she needs me in the night and can't climb the stairs to get me, a bottle of sprite beside her if her tummy gets upset or she needs fizzies to make her throat feel better. two big thick blankets on her and I will throw another one on at next temp check.

No school for a few days.. No Tae Kwon Do. No nothing but her bed. Gabriel is going to freak out when he figures out she's home and can't play with her.

My poor baby. More than two years since she got sick and she gets this. Keeping fingers crossed that the temp doesnt keep climbing...

Mommy Celina is going to go get more soup for her and more drinks for her so she can keep herself hydrated when she gets off work..

swine flu, school, moms love her., bekah, fever

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