How Celina Saved My Eyesight

Aug 29, 2009 23:35

and even more, how she will never let me live it down..

Off and on for a few months my eyes would get blurry/fuzzy. I'd clean my contacts, and they would be fine. I am notorious for not cleaning them properly anyway so it was never a big deal. After I moved to Utah, I got what I thought was pink eye. Stopped wearing my contacts, it cleared up on it's own, and life was good. Put a new pair back in, and in a day or two I had pink eye AGAIN!!! I had cleaned and sterilized my case and everything. So back on go my glasses ( which are SIX years old by now and really should be burned at the stake!!) and I am forbidden to put the contacts back in until my eyes completely clear up. Well I am a bit fussy about these damn glasses so on back to school night I put the contacts back in JUST for the 3 hours we are going to be at the school.

By the time we left, my eyes were flaring red and goopy. AGAIN. Celina threatens my life if I put them back in again before I can go to the eye doctor. She is worried something is really wrong, since it's obviously NOT pink eye. ( I have the RAGE!!!!) lol... so I don't and fast forward to yesterday when we go to the eye doctor.

I have an infection of sorts, its FROM my contacts and build up on my eye which then affected me UNDER the eyelid and when I would wear my contacts, my body would auto assume its a deadly weapon and wage war on it. Hence the goopy red eyes and pain. Celina thought he would tell her she was overreacting about the eyesight, he didn't. He validated her. Had I continued to wear them ( which it hurt too much to really do anyway, I just griped about the glasses part) I could have actually gone blind from the infection.

So medicine for 7-10 days every four hours to clear up the infection. I go back Sept 8th for the check up and actual contacts/glasses exam. I still have to wear my glasses until then. He is going to give me a different type of Toric contacts that breathe better and in return I promised to clean them more often than I have in the past.

9/8 cannot come fast enough. I loathe wearing these old glasses and they give me headaches. And not only that, it's a self esteem issue. Im already ugly enough ( to me) but the glasses remind me of the OLD presurgery Jen and its not a happy memory. I dont mind wearing glasses if I have to after these, but they need to be updated glasses and not make me look like some old fogey.

In other news....

Gabe got shots yesterday, about broke my heart. I forgot what it's like for little ones to get poked and prodded. He bruised on one leg, and he was more mad about the shots than hurt, we think. The injustice of it all..

OH--- and Bekah ended up getting three shots for school this year. Two which were normal and due by age 12, and then lo and behold, Utah requires you to get the vaccination for Hepatitis A so she had to get that or she couldnt go to school. No other state we have EVER lived in required that shot so I felt kinda bad for her. She has to get the second series in March and the she SHOULD be done with shots for life, barring the occasional booster for tetanus or whatever..

Um... I finally have about 80% eliminated contact with my mother. She doesnt have my address or phone number, and only can reach me through email. She doesnt like it but oh well. That whole situation is TOXIC to the 3rd degree, and neither Bekah or I need to be subjected to that. Bekah and I have a family now that is superior and exactly what a family should be. Are they perfect? Hell no, but its what I always envisioned family to be like. I want it for my kid more than for me, but I love that I am loved and that I can love back in equal amounts and not have it shunned or denied or accepted on certan terms when it's convenient.

I am literally and totally happy. Life is never perfect, but it damn sure is wonderful these days. I found where my heart truly belongs, and I cannot and will not ask for much more than that..

in WoT news, I am enjoying myself in the Yellow Ajah. I feel very much at home, it's a comfortable place to be, and I am glad I made the decision to follow my heart down a different path. It's been a few months of good changes that I am proud to have made.

I love that I smile so much now too. I love my girlfriend, I love my children, I love the home and state that I live in, and I love my life.

okayyyy I love you guys too!!!!

Peace out!! (as Gramme always says!!)

celina, gabriel, love and the pursuit of happiness, bekah, life

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