I desperately hope that someone will sub this soon because it's full of awesome even when I couldn't understand most of it. I'd even settle for translations! My stomach hurts from laughing so hard at Jun's expressions throughout the entire episode and the others' immense enjoyment over his torture. XDD Clearly the best way to commemorate your bandmate's movie is to make him sit through insanity and then LOAN HIM OUT ON A DATE TO THE WINNER, but one he has to choose at that!
There were so many beautiful moments. I just love Jun's confusion and growing horror as it goes on. Like when they're doing the video introductions for the guests and Jun just FALLS TO HIS KNEES LAUGHING over the first one. The Tsukushi video messages were the perfect touch~ XD
To be honest, I loved Ooshima the best so I'm glad she won. XDD You could really tell that she wanted this very badly and she wasn't afraid to bring out all the fangirl stops in order to pull it off. The handmade fan scrapbook? It was beautiful. (at least I can say I haven't descended to that sort of level yet...) Although, I really want to find those half-naked pictures from that photoshoot she was showing off now *__* Hahah, they even got to bully Sho a little because of her. XDD She requested that Jun serve them ramen then they compared it to how Sho does it and everyone was like 'Ah yeah, it's totally different! It's no good! No good!'
My second favorite was the guest Hokuto who requested Jun to hold her like a princess. How's that even translated? In Chinese, it's something like princess-style embrace? Oh well...it was brilliant because it's true that I'd want that! And more importantly, Jun dragging Nino off to the side and being all, "Do I really have to do it? Can I do it???" And Nino responding with, "The worst that could happen is just a little internal bleeding!" XDD But no, the best part was the reverse princess-style embrace when she picked up Jun and swung him around. I laughed so hard. XDD
I skipped over the part where they were giving the four guests the make-overs to impress Jun with, but I guess I'm glad they did it since it's sort of like the inside of what goes on when doing make-up? XD;; I mean, at the end of the end, the theme of HnA is to be somewhat educational right? (Ways to appeal to Matsujun doesn't necessarily work there XDD) But also the others didn't get much screen time? ;__; Ohno and Aiba didn't really get a chance to do or say much! Well, I guess for normal HnA episodes, it'd focus on one person's VTR anyways, but still!
Speaking of the others though, you can also tell that they were all probably killed backstage by Matsujun afterwards, but at least they'll always be able to tease him about this too. XDD It's times like these that Jun sincerely wishes he could wring their necks all at once. It's also the only time that he's ever regretted being so popular since none of this ever happens with the others.
It's after episodes like these that I realize again how much I love Jun. <3 It's getting to the point where I kinda just love all of them though and my favorite changes depending on the week (or the episode of something that I've just watched).
Setting Arashi aside for a moment, it's finals week =__=;; I had my Japanese final yesterday at 8:30AM. I hate it how it's always on Saturdays at 8:30! I have to commute so it means getting up even earlier and I seriously can't think properly so early in the morning. Despite that, I think it went pretty well, but aaahhh, I always make lots of small mistakes that end up hurting some in the end. It's weird to think that I've already finished a year of Japanese though. o__o; WHERE DID THE YEAR GO? I'm beginning to think that I want to get a Japanese minor since I'm going to keep taking Japanese anyways next year so I might as well. >__>;; We'll see how well next year goes though.
After the Japanese final yesterday, I went with some friends to eat breakfast and delicious frozen yogurt with strawberries. <3 Then we went to work out at the gym (IMA) for basically an hour and a half. Uh, strangely, my legs aren't sore, but my arms? Even though, we worked out our legs more...? ::shrugs:: I really should take advantage of the IMA more since I pay for it anyways in my tuition fees, but I don't like gyms at all. =__=;; They make me feel really self-conscious. Ah well, at least I finally exercised?
The only other finals I have left are all take-home exams. The advantage is YAY! I don't have to do anymore tests at 8:30 in the morning! The disadvantage is AHHHH THREE HUGELY LONG PAPERS PLEASE DIE NOW. And also, since they're take-home exams...the likelihood of getting distracted is much higher. (As demonstrated by the fact that I actually should be reading like crazy right now so I can actually work on my Asian-American Identity exam, ha, ha, ha, ha)
And also before I forget some more, belated, but! Happy Birthday,
chasingthewinds! Hopefully it was a good one~ :D ::squishes::