Mar 12, 2007 17:00
Edit: So, I still like watching the anime, but the Bloody Maze arc just now was highly, highly traumatizing. ::cry:: I was so scared the whole time that I had to ask my brother to sit and watch with me. It's the first time in the series that someone's actually DIED while in the process of an investigation. >_<;;
On the other hand, Yasuhara DID show up again like I wanted to, which was awesome---until you knowe everything ELSE happened. We did get to find out that Lin is Chinese (which is interesting somehow) and a little bit more about Naru in general soo...I guess it's not too bad.
But nevertheless, that was just...too scary for me. I'm weak. I'll admit it! I can't watch horror/scary movies. I'll run away and hide if I know a scary part's coming up. (but with Ghost Hunt, you really can't miss a part and have it make sense later so...soo...!)
Just finished watching episode 17. Uh, even though I wasn't planning on getting sucked into this series, I feel like it's too late already. XDD;; I think this arc has been my favorite so far. The whole time, I was holding my breath and waiting to see what would happen next.
That moment in 17, where Naru smiles at Mai was so wonderful. I was squealing and crying at the same time because it was so horrible when she was so angry at him. I definitely like Mai a lot. She's always trying so hard and she's so empathic towards others.
My favorite line was definitely when Bou-san said, "Let's believe in Naru." (because I wanted to believe he'd have some way to fix it all too!)
XDDD Having Yasuhara around for this arc was triply awesome. He's SO great ("I do like Mai, but I like Shibuya-san too. He's so good-looking. But Takigawa-san, I like you so much more!") I-I was dying of laughter. I wonder if he'll ever show up again~?
Hmmm, other than 17, I think my second favorite was the ghost-in-the-park episode. It was so hilarious having Masako possessed. XDD (plus, Mai and Bou-san's "date" was cute~ I felt sorry for John though...being stuck with Ayako...)
I really need to go out and get the manga now. XD;
excessive rambling,
ghost hunt