Diaryland's not letting me blog again so I'll just put my ramblings here until it's revived.
As usual, I was forced to rise at the unholy hour of 7:00 and having slept around 1:00, this was understandably painful. I will sleep earlier tonight if only because the thought of surviving on six hours of sleep is so terribly frightening.
I have French 1st period this year, meaning that I have it four days a week. This is also painful because I don't want to be following my fast-speaking, though friendly, French teacher when I'm half-asleep.
Second period was IS, or history, which means I have Ms. Schimidt and she's fun. Kinda. At the most, I was optimistic about her class since, in my opinion, did a good job on my Habibi essay.
On the other hand, I had math next with Kay Marsh, whom is said to be evil unless you're on her good side, and my math packet was less that perfect. Severely below perfect in fact. We have homework already. I think I dread her as it is.
Next was lunch and lunch was beautiful. Pizza, salad, fruit and chocolate milk. Not to mention being able to sit and EAT.
Then there was humanities, I have TJ this year and as Kristen said earlier, "You are SO lucky!" I think I'm prone to agreement. TJ is extremely cool thus far, despite the fact we had a quiz and had to turn in our summer reading packets...and in that part, I will most likely disappoint. I didn't quite understand the packet until late last night when the instructions truly hit me, but by that time I was half-asleep and thus did not care enough to CHANGE things. I'm a terrible student. I feel terrible about it. ::sighs::
Hopefully, I will do better this year and give it my all instead of my "I hate this school, OMG, please let me jump off a cliff NOW." >_>; I've whined about that, but it was truly unbearable then. It is barely tolerable now. Thank you Kristen, Rachel, Millie and Angie for giving me hope. ...Not that any of them read this.
Aside from this, I have chemistry, PE and then choir tomorrow. Most of my thinking classes are on even days. Painful. Ow. I also happen to have piano lessons in about thirty minutes. I'm tired, cranky and wishing that I could wash my hair and collapse into bed at the same time. I also get to make dinner tonight. As any first-day-of-school-student will say..."I hate school." ...Also, TJ, I don't care if you say we aren't forced to go to school and that we can just always walk out the door, that is untrue. While we aren't pushed kicking, crying and screaming into the school doors, it is most certainly not willing. Parents have that kind of "Go to school now or else." thing going. I'd rather sleep in my warm bed than the cold, dirty streets thank you.
On that note, I want to get JUMP 40 so I can see the Exotica story. I'd also like to RP so that Keichi would shut up. ::groans:: Instead of doing either of those and some more, I'll go practice piano now. Bah. Tuesdays are the bane of my existance. Yes they are.