read one hundred pages of middlesex today and now i'm on page 306. 0o; woah.
well in terms of pop culture i found these parallels:
-Jimmy Zizmo is like Jimmy Koffa (sp?) ...look him up. ...yeah 0o;
-the character Marius, like Marius in Les Miserables
some questions:
what does the spoon symbolize/represent?
As Greeks, they are also immigrants, outsiders, isolated (which kinda led to inbreeding between Tessie and Milton)
-their isolation
-Change and Sex pg 216
-Change (adaptation?) and Androgyny
-Gender Association
+riots on Twelfth Street
-changing times
(Pingee (sp?) street?)
-the elderly
-wisdom? ...or lack thereof (gambling debts)
Zebra Room like a Phoenix
Detroit to Grosse Pointe
Middlesex Boulevard
-a road name, traveling, change, ongoing
-pg 268: sister, a joke, pain, the past coming back to bite poor Desdemona in the butt, so to speak 0-o; *PATS HER* D:
-parallels between lefty and Cal
-parallels between Des' dying and Cal's changes
-pg 294: the hockey ball
+ in seventh grade, she's worried.
-the awkwardness of youth
-paranoid preteen years
-how it is growing up as a girl (even though she's technically male)
pg301: sexual discrimination (the draft, and men being expendable in the government's eyes)
pg302: Ayn Rand mentioned
so yeah, that's about it 0o; *should have taken notes on the previous 200 pages* --;
:) so shower and dinner and Harry Potter 3 and then maybe i'll b bak ^^