Feb 06, 2009 08:59
*Sigh* missed posting last week -_-
Lot to write about, guess things were just to hectic to actually sit down and write.
Had another 'dream-script' come to me last night.. unfortunately it didn't stick with me that long, I've already forgotten most of it. *Shrug* oh well, it'll probably come back to me sometime, I think I know what triggered it, so hopefully I just need to rewatch the triggers to get it back.
Anyway, since the last post, I ordered seasons 1-4 of SG: Atlantis (5 isn't available on Amazon yet) and purchased it with the 'I don't care when it gets here' shipping option so I didn't have to deal with the cost of shipping. The supposed shipping date was 1/30 and we would recieve it on 2/2. That didn't happen. It ended up being shipped out the day after I'd placed the order I think (1/27), and then arriving on 1/29! So we paid no shipping costs and got it delivered before it was even supposed to be shipped out XD
Don't you just love the irony?
Anyway, been watching that, since, during SciFi's show-end marathon, we'd found that we'd missed a couple of the third season's episodes and I finished watching that last night, so now I'm going to sit back and watch the series from the beginning with father-figure.
As for anime, I've been watching a few new series that're still airing and I want to make some comments.
White Album, at first it seems to be just another anime about a guy/girl couple, and the female of the couple is trying to make it as an idol.. and it doesn't look like she's going to do very well. The guy on the other hand, doesn't seem to be as sure what he wants to do with his life. He was kicked out of his dad's house and is recieving very little support from his father even though they live close enough to have him appear every few episodes.
He's struggling to get by, and further struggling to continue to see his girlfriend while both their schedules are seemingly packed. But they are surviving. The real struggle is that the guy seems to have at least four other women trying for him, and only one doesn't have any connection to his girlfriend's studio, so it's a question of who's just trying to keep the 'idol's image clean enough for her to make it and who is actually interested in him. The fact that they talk so fast and confusingly sometimes, mixed with times of complete silence, make it difficult to enjoy as a sub. But it's an interesting story if you take the time to pause it from time to time and fully absorb what they're saying and the body language. It's real world, and that makes it really attractive to me.
Bleach is in filler right now, and it was a rather jarring jump this time, one minute they're gearing up for the series of battles they've been leading up to since the second arc, then they jump into filler and everyone's at home. I actually went back last week and rewatched the last 'story-line' episode to make sure the jarring-ness wasn't just me missing something. Nope, they really jarred everyone like that. Is that a signal that Bleach is coming to an end? I hope not.
Akikan is another one I'm following.. started off rather slow and slowly started up the storyline. It seems to be an odd kind of 'remake' of Gash/Zatch Bell, but since it's just starting up, we'll see where it goes. The biggest difference is that there seems to be sides of the battle this time, where in 'Bell it's supposedly each one for themselves.
On the song front, I made a comment in one of my friends' journals about the song in my 'music tag', and then later came to realize that in just a sentance or two I gave a ego boost to four or five seperate women without realizing it XD It's kinda a twisting around for all but two, but still, to do that much in just a few statements and unintentionally is amusing. And the song is playing continually in my head, even when it gets pushed out by another song, it isn't long before it comes back, and I have no issue with that ^_^
Before this gets any longer, I'm going to sign off on this entry. Gotta save something to say in the next one.. hopefully I'll get to it earlier next week.
~Bastion & Jamie