Jul 22, 2008 15:52
Got fitted for new glasses today. Wearing the new ones now, not really a change in the lenses, just might take a while to make the adjustment. Driving with the old ones when quickness matters, wearing the new ones while I'm sitting here and the change doesn't affect me until I get used to the slight change.
Got a new phone this weekend, no change in the number, and I've gotten my calander moved over. Need to get the pictures moved off the old one, but other than that everything seems to be working well with it.
Dad replaced his at the same time, but it's proving to be unreliable, sometimes it'll get a call and sometimes it won't, so he's thinking of switching it out. Hopefully that'll happen without too much trouble.
Already mentioned that I'd gotten new books, but wanted to mention it again (I like when things come in threes ^_^). Got through the first DC/CC manga rather quickly, and I'm working on the second. There're more plot twists in the third case, so I'm paying more attention and thus it's taking longer.
In looking at the cover of the second manga though.. it's a little disturbing actually. On the first it's Shinichi (yes, I'm going by the japanese names) and on the third it's Kogoro (Ran's father) in the keyhole cutouts. In the second it's Ran.. in a bathing suit.. I don't remember which case it's from, but the disturbing part is that, while I'm sure she is, the way her arm is displayed and the keyhole is situated.. it doesn't look like she's wearing the top of it. And what makes that really disturbing is that this is the American release, and they probably wouldn't want her looking like that on the cover.
I'm hoping I'm just looking at it differently and it's not just hormones (stupid male things getting in the way of thinking clearly >.>) I'm trying to hurry through reading the book, so I can set it aside and not worry about it any longer. At least for now, until I decide to go back to the beginning of the series and reread from the beginning (I like doing things like that).
Remembered another book I wanted to read, in the DVD release of The Last Unicorn (grew up with the movie, read the book for the first time a year or so ago and loveded it too) and there's an interview with the writer (suprised he's still up and kicking, heh), and he mentions that the magician-in-training (don't feel like figuring out how to spell his name right now) and the 'cook'-woman have a 'part two' story that I want to pick up and read. So maybe when I go to pick up more manga I'll take a look for that too. Gotta remember to listen to the DVD-view and get the title again.
Also, something that I found while looking through a friend's archived LJ notes.
If there is one or more people on your friends list who makes your world a better place just because they exist and who you would not have met (in real life or not) without the internet, then post this same sentence in your journal.