
Apr 18, 2008 06:26

I know, I know, I said that I had a load of entries to make, and yet again, this isn't one of them.  I promise I'll get to making them.. eventually.

Anyways, this is about the strangest dream I had last night.

It started off with me living with my mother, in a house she doesn't even live in anymore, and I haven't lived in for at least five years now, then I moved into a different place where a few of my One friends lived.  My things just kinda transported between them somehow, don't ask how, I was confused enough as it was and didn't ask.

The living space itself was the really strange part, there were seperate 'houses', but one semi-communal area in the middle it seemed, and a communal room for each 'house' as well.  I remember somehow finding my way to the semi-communal middle area, and then walking through someone else's family room before I found my friends and my 'house'.

To top off the strangeness.. no one talked, except I think my mom said something when I was 'packing up', that I didn't listen to, and the eldest of my friends saying something short while showing me to my new room.  I love to listen to conversations, so a dream where there's minimal speaking seems really odd, the only time I can remember actually having another dream where no one talked was when I was alone in the dream, and even then I would talk to myself, just to have someone talking.

I remember being fascinated by one of the doors between the supposed houses because it's 'lock' was a weak magnet, interesting design, but not very useful for keeping people out; and not much else, other than spending some time in my 'new' room to organize it how I wanted it to be.

When I 'woke up' within the dream, I was worried about two things, how I was going to afford living there without a job to support me, and how I was ever going to learn my way around between the house and the communal room.  Apparently from the 'living room' of my friends' and I's house, finding my room wasn't a problem (though with all the twists and turns, who could tell?), but getting from the semi-communal room to my house was a problem.

After I woke up, I spoke with my girlfriend and we still couldn't figure out where it came from.  Plans for me to move out of my dad's house have lessened recently, the eldest friend I was living with is married, another friend I was living with I'm pretty sure lives in Africa somewhere, and I'm not even sure where the other one came from, I didn't really recognize her (yes, a female, living with three males, again, I chose not to ask).  It didn't seem like the 'alternate world' I often dream about, and even if it was, it was badly out of time-sync with everything else that's happened, especially because I've seen 'my' death in that world.  So I have no idea where it came from.
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