Aug 02, 2008 16:11
14. C-Chute and other stories by Isaac Asimov: This is a short story collection and a pretty old one at that. It contains five stories:
Breeds there a Man? Just imagine that we are just mice running through a labyrinth designed by someone much more powerful than us. What happens if one of the mice is able to break through the walls and find a way out? This was a very interesting story, very creepy too in certain regards.
C-Chute: Loved this one! Spaceship gets overtaken by aliens and a group of people must arrange themselves and find a way to get the ship back. But the only way is a quite dangerous one. Psychological warfare at it's best. Shows what really makes people do heroic things.
In a Good Cause: This is an interesting take on terrorism showing both sides of the equation. Stories like this will probably never grow old.
What if... Yes, what if? Do you really want to know? A sweet love story.
Segregationist: About the future of medicine. I can quite see this happen :)
All in all an interesting and thought-provoking read. 4* out of 5.