Aug 23, 2004 18:48
today sucked ass . it was supposed to be an awesome day .. i was supposed to get paid and the go shopping with mydad for school clothes. well that obviously didnt happen. instead i helped him with the god damn garage door opener .. and then judy comes home all pissed an more me [ she should be ] then of coarse my dad has to help her. whens he comes down stairs he was asking if mom called . i said why and he said cause i need to know when she gets done so i can drop you off . :i thought we were supposed to go shopping ?" Dad: im going to have to take a rian check on that on. So know i gotta fuckin wait till this weekend .. and i said no because tahts when laurens coming up and i would feel really bad if we go shopping and i get all this stuff and she gets squat .. then he said sometime next week. I AM NOT WAITING THAT LONG ! i at least need my pair of shoes cause i need them for the first day of school. i would rather get my school clothes around my bday with my mom [where i can have her help and relly have no limit to what i can get]then wait for my dad to get my school clothes before school. GOD FUCKING DAMN !
and on top of that .. i have mr seigal for homeroom. <-fucker ! : ' ( i have been a mess for like 2 weeks .. feeling rejected[worst feeling in the world]and i miss everything .. school-friends-family holidays-FH-basically everything. i need to stop its not like anyones caring ..
lator fuckers !
meghan kathleen*