I can be your punkrock princess *~~*

Aug 04, 2004 20:50

yesterday, a day at the mall with lexa, chrissy and DL. dude, so much fun man.. at first it was a little boring. but then it got better. idk why but lexa went off with her friends that we didnt know, so me and chrissy and danielle went off on our own. we were at toco bell, and there was this adorable kid. ok not kid, like 17 year old. he sat down and we found a table riiiight next to him and stared and shit like that. we would do the occasional run to the bathroom to check him out thing. lol - then we went to follow him into areopostale so we sat outside of the store and alexa called and wanted us to come back so we did and she went with her friends again. lol ok ok, so, its me and Dl and Xy and we are in sam goody and chrissy sees the first Drive Thru Records DVD and she freeks out she has to have it. so we ask the guy to hold it for us and he stares at us like we are retarted. but in the end he sed yes and we ran off to count of cash..what cash? we strip searched the mall for nething we could find and we asked random ppl for money. we followed these little 9 year olds casue they had cell fones at age 9 so they hadd to have money, and they did so we followed them and they gave us 45 cents. but they thought we were gonna buy cigeretts. lmao they screamed it across the mall and we were like NO ITS NOT FOR THAT KIDS! so, we went back to sam good to make ppl feel sorry for us and chrissy sees her bros friend and he gave us 4 bucks which gave us enuf for the dvd. we were soo happy. we got the dvd but pays for it with like .. 7 dollars in coins. =P

so mine and alexas ride got a little messed up so we went to chrissys house and slept over. we stayed up til about 630. woke up at 12. lol keep your eye out for our band that we dont know the name to. it will be awesome fuckers! You're fucking next. Damnit i need that pick. Tabacco only rhymes with Wacko. and BallSacko? uhh i guess, hmm i guesss. GOOOOOD BYEEEE!!!!!. god Bless Dan Trapp of Sences Fail. lmao funnny shit.

this morning, we watched the Ace and Jeff dance from the dvd again and we all danced to it but i think me and XY have it down the most. cause we watched it more after DL and Lexa left. we watched butterfly effect and stuff and just hung out. once again i had an awesome time and chrissys house. i went home around 8 and i missed most of the story of the year hard rock live thing on mtv. damnit!

ever since i got home from maine, ive been craving to smell the ocean and go to the beach. but with the amazingly good luck i have, its rain almost every day ive been home. AND ITS FUCKING RAINING RIGHT NOW! what the hell man?? ugh it better be nice tomorrow and friday so i can go to the beach or i think ill run my head into the wall =)

Noise and Kisses x3
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