[Radio Translation] VICTORY ROADS 2017.11.03

Jul 17, 2020 21:32

[Ninomiya-kun was looking towards me with a look that seemed to say, “What are you receiving from my Jun-kun?”]Good evening to everyone listening to BayFM. I’m Sexy Zone’s Sato Shori. There’s this mail that has caught my attention, so I hope it’d be alright for me to read it out right away.

Mail: Good evening, Shori-kun. I’ve been enjoying my time listening to your radio. Shori-kun’s radio show became the topic of conversation on Arashi’s Ninomiya-kun’s radio show that is also aired on BayFM.

That’s right.

Mail: In his radio, Ninomiya-kun recognised you and said, “you’re right. He’s remarkable, isn’t he? I wish him all the best of luck.” From there, I’d like to ask you whether you remember a memorable incident with Ninomiya-kun. I look forward to listening to Shori-kun’s voice every Friday from now on, as well.

…Is what it says. It’s exactly as they say. I’ve also listened to Ninomiya-kun’s radio and there was mail that was sent to him asking whether he had any advice for me who had just started my new radio show. So, well, I was listening to it… but he didn’t give me a single word of advice (laughs). He ended up saying something along the lines of, “I wonder… I mean, everyone has their own way of doing things, right? Well, I wish him all the best.” Since there was no advice I ended up wondering, “where did the advice go?” (laughs) But well, he mentioned my name on his radio so I’m very grateful about that, especially since I haven’t been able to go and greet him ever since I started this show. It’s been the same for other seniors too. I actually do have one - a memorable episode with Ninomiya-kun. When we appeared on Music Station together, there was a moment when Arashi-san sat just in front of Sexy Zone. During that time, Sakurai Sho-kun gave Fuma-kun something small that was in his pocket. When Matsumoto Jun-kun saw that, he decided to hand something to me as well. Ah, that something was mints, by the way. Both of them had mints, and I received some from Jun-kun. Essentially, Jun-kun saw Sho-kun give mints to his junior, so he kindly decided to give some too as a senior. While that was happening, from the corner of my eye, Ninomiya-kun was looking towards me with a look that seemed to say, “What are you receiving from my Jun-kun?” He had a serious look on his face, you see. So, it was as though he was questioning me, “Shori, what exactly are you doing?” When Ninomiya-kun interacts with me, he likes to act with a hint of coldness, you see. For example, things like intentionally ignoring me when I greet him. He makes our relationship entertaining that way. So, something similar happened during our appearance on Msute together and I was like, “Wow! Even though I’m being treated so kindly by Jun-kun right now, Ninomiya-kun is trying to warn me about something with his straight face from the corner” (laughs). He was putting pressure on me. But well, that’s his way of involving himself with me. When that happens, I’ve come up with a method of getting him to smile: by complimenting the movie productions he stars in (laughs). Yep. Oh, of course, when I compliment him, it’s reflective of my true feelings. When I tell him, “Ninomiya-kun, I watched your movie. It was really good,” he finally shows his smile to me. I’m always on the edge when I’m around him (laughs). Well… conversely, it just means that he’s really looking out for me, doesn’t it? That’s Ninomiya-kun’s way of involving himself with me, after all. I think that they’re very kind seniors from the bottom of my heart. So yes. Well then, let’s introduce the opening number for tonight’s VICTORY ROADS. The opening number has been restricted to music by the four members of The Beatles up until now, but I’d like to put on a stylish song that’s not by them this time. Please listen to The Weeknd’s I Feel It Coming.
The song you are listening to is The Weeknd’s I Feel It Coming. We have received the following mail.

Mail: Good evening, Shori-kun. The way you translate the titles of the songs you’ve chosen makes me laugh. While it’s correct if you literally translate it, there’s something about the way you say it which catches my interest. Please continue to translate the Western track titles to Japanese from now on as well.

Umm… (laughs) It’s embarrassing to say it myself, but… my personal favourite is when I translated Here Comes the Sun literally. It doesn’t sound particularly cool but… doesn’t Here Comes the Sun literally mean “here comes the sun”? John Lennon’s Cleanup Time also literally means “time for cleaning” doesn’t it? (laughs) I wonder why it is, but I don’t really read into the lyrics of Western music much. That’s why I just feel like something came when I listen to I Feel It Coming (laughs). It’s just that something came. Well… (laughs) Should I make my translations a custom from now on? (laughs) That way you can look forward to how Sato Shori translates various English song titles to Japanese. I’m just going to get through it with an elementary school student’s level of translating ability, though (laughs). That’s how it’ll probably turn out.

This is VICTORY ROADS presented to you by Sexy Zone’s Sato Shori. The next message we have is this.
Mail: Good evening, Shori-kun. I’m enjoying my time listening to your radio every week. Congratulations on your cameo voice appearance Wagahai no Heya de Aru.
Thank you!
I believe you were probably able to talk to Fuma-kun directly during voiceover, so I’d like to ask how you felt during voiceover and how the other members were. I’m cheering you on from now on, too.
How should I go about this…? It was a surprise for us, too. We had an interview with PON! for Gyutto. We paid a visit to Fuma-kun who was dubbing parts for WagaHeya since it was essentially a combined interview for both Gyutto and WagaHeya. After we entered the studio and listened to Fuma-kun’s voiceover, he came out in the end and surprised us by telling us that Sexy Zone had been cast into WagaHeya. We immediately received our scripts after that and I was really nervous when I entered the recording booth. My character was a bicycle, you see… It was hard, being given the script suddenly and told that the character I’m voicing is a bicycle. I only needed to say my lines three times before they approved it, but the other members were instructed to change things up a little here and there. Not to mention, I was the first to have my voice recorded so I wasn’t sure whether it really was okay for me to finish so quickly. But well… It probably just means I was that incredible (laughs). I don’t know what the truth is, though (laughs). So yeah, my character was a bicycle. I actually had an idea that I wanted to put in some bicycle bell sounds that go “ring, ring!” at the end of each sentence (laughs). You see, I-(laughs). It can’t be helped that I wanted to improvise parts up when I was suddenly given a script that says I’m a bicycle now, can I? The first thing that popped into my head was to say “ring, ring!” after every sentence, so for the line that said, “please take responsibility for your actions,” I wanted to say, “please take responsibility for your actions! Ring, ring!” I wanted to improvise something bizarre to add to the script, but I held myself back when I realised that it wasn’t suitable. My line was featured in… the third episode I think? It’s the very simple version which doesn’t include any “ring, ring!” in it. Sexy Zone’s members will continue to appear in the drama episodes one at a time, so I’d like you to watch Fuma-kun’s drama whilst on the lookout for who voiced what character in the last episode.

Next is this.
Mail: Good evening, Shori-kun. I found out from the radio and magazines that you have become able to drink coffee. I remember that you weren’t able to drink coffee before you turned twenty, is that right? What was the reason for you to be able to drink coffee? I like coffee, so I’d also like to ask Shori-kun this: do you like hot or iced coffee better?
I see. I see, I see. I have said that I’m now able to drink coffee. But I actually haven’t really been drinking it recently (laughs). Umm… I’m more of a black tea person (laughs). I shouldn't reply that I like black tea best when this mail’s asking about coffee, should I? But well, if I had to say why I became able to drink coffee after I turned twenty, it’s actually not related to the fact that I turned twenty. I know of a trainer who excels in singing, in other words a voice trainer, who made me drink coffee. It was really good - the hot coffee he gave me. When I drank that coffee, it was really delicious. Plus, he’s a voice trainer for singing, so I thought, “maybe if I drank coffee, I might improve on my singing!” (laughs) Furthermore, they were very particular about the coffee they drink. The coffee they gave me was apparently valuable coffee which knowledgeable coffee drinkers would immediately recognise. That was what I was told at least, and it certainly was delicious. It was so much better than any of the coffee I’ve drunk in the past. But well, my main reason for being able to drink coffee would be because I thought my singing would improve by drinking coffee, since someone who’s skilful at singing is drinking it. That’s the reason for why I started drinking coffee. So, rather than there being a mature reason signifying that I’ve grown into an adult… my reason mainly shows that I was still a child (laughs). If I had to choose between hot or iced coffee, I’d go with hot coffee. Before this radio started, I had a meeting with the staff and when I was asked how we wanted this radio to become, I told them that I was someone who can distinguish the difference in quality. That’s why, if I was given different types of coffee, with perhaps Niko* coffee as an option, I’m sure I’d be able to tell. I don’t know how interesting it’d be to listen to such a corner on the radio, but the corner name would be Shori the Gourmet (laughs). It might pop up for real sometime in the future, so please anticipate it. I’m honestly good at distinguishing the difference between foods, so perhaps there could be something we can do that could prove my words. I look forward to potential mail in the future with regards to this.

Sato Shori presents this song on 3 November, 2017 for Johnny’s Select! I talked about Arashi-san and Ninomiya-kun at the start of this episode, so I’ve selected the song they sung during the episode of Music Station which we appeared together in. Please listen to Mikan from Arashi-san’s new album, 「untitled」.

This is Sato Shori of Sexy Zone’s radjio- (laughs) …Would one normally slip up this bad on their words at this timing?! Would one slip up at this exact moment today?! I really shouldn’t be slipping up at this timing, should I… This is Sato Shori of Sexy Zone’s radio show, VICTORY ROADS. We’ve received the following mail.

Mail: Good evening, Shori-kun.

Good evening.

Mail: I work as a chiropractor. Please hear me out on a mistake I conducted at work. When I was replying to one of my customers’ message in regards to the next time they’d like to have their appointment, I typed, “Shori I book this time for our next appointment?” instead of, “Should I book this time in for our next appointment?”** I didn’t realise my mistake until the customer informed me about it, which made everyone laugh at me. When I looked back at all of the messages I’d been sending, I had typed, “Shori I book this time in for our next appointment?” the entire time. I was very embarrassed. Have you made a mistake recently at work or during your personal life, Shori-kun?
If this person wrote “Shori I book this time in for our next appointment,” they’re basically on the same level as Marius (laughs). When Marius has his meal outside of work, he purposely says, “itadakimarius,” “gochisousamarius” and “ittekimarius” out loud. Furthermore, the one I really don’t get is when he says “ganbarimarius” to cheer people on.**** It should be “ganbaremarius” instead. Well, “ganbaremarius” is also weird, but… if he had to say one it should be “ganbaremarius.” Instead, he keeps saying “ganbarimarius,” meaning he’s the one who’s continuing to do his best (laughs). It’d be nice if he would refrain from saying the phrase so much in his personal life. But well, saying, “Shori I book this time for our next appointment?” would have been embarrassing, especially at work. If they were someone who didn’t know of me, they’d probably be even more confused and think, “what is she talking about?” Anyway, a mistake I recently made in work or in private… Hmmm, I wonder what it is. It’s been mentioned by one of the listeners of this radio show too, but perhaps I should stop pulling a triumphant look so often. It won’t be good if I end up continuing to do it subconsciously. Please listen to the final song for today: Himitsu no Share, a track from Sexy Zone’s single, Gyutto.


This is VICTORY ROADS presented to you by Sexy Zone’s Sato Shori. How have you enjoyed your time so far? Finally, we have received this mail.

Mail: Good evening, Shori-kun. You were so cool during the episode of VS Arashi the other day. It reminded me of the bouldering you challenged in Sexy Zone Channel. You climbed it so swiftly. Did you not find it difficult?

Cliff Climb… I did it together with Sho-kun as the SS Combi, which is from our initials that are both SS. Although, well, Sho-kun messed up a bit (laughs). I climbed with around half of the initial time limit left and made it my goal to climb up within that set time. I’m really good with that game, which I’m sure everyone who has watched would agree, since I climbed up so smoothly. I actually watched it on TV as well and realised that I climbed up at an extraordinary speed, to the extent I questioned whether my moves had been CGed (laughs). It was a climb that wouldn’t be humanly possible, I reckon. There was a safety wire that held us up and my speed was so fast you’d end up wondering whether the wire had helped me cheat by pulling me up the cliff. I was so fast. I even thought that it was unreal, myself (laughs). But well, it’s actually because my body’s light, so I could climb up very swiftly. That’s why I was able to climb so fast. I’m good at it. That was my success story, but how should I say this, there was Sou-kun next to me who made a lot of blunders. He was terrible during the final section for bowling. We’re meant to bowl in turns since we’re lined up next to each other. The first to bowl was Aiba-kun and Sou-kun was third. Even though bowling it at the same time as Aiba-kun would obviously not hit the pins that was moving, Sou-kun kept bowling it when Aiba-kun bowled. That’s why his bowling ball kept vanishing before the bowling pins even reached him. He continued to bowl like that, so I was really confused on what he was doing. It was cut in the episode that was aired, but I kept telling him with a loud voice, “Sou-kun, you shouldn’t bowl then! That’s not the right timing!” But then Matsushima started to get really flustered as well and was all, “What should I do? When should I bowl?” so I told him to wait a bit more and leave more time before bowling. I kept giving him advice on top of having to find the right timing to bowl, myself. Although that game is meant to be played by bowling during your own timing, I felt like I was bowling for two people. There was a happening that was very variety-like next to me and I managed to have a lot fun. That’s also one of Sou-kun’s good points. Well, what I just told was a failure story that occurred. There doesn’t really exist many stories of me causing blunders, since I’m a perfectionist (laughs). But well, that could be seen as a weakness of mine, so it could be okay as well if fans could send me stories of me blundering to a certain extent. Around one in ten thousand mails would be great (laughs). If some could point out my blunders once in a while, I could speak more about things I wouldn’t normally talk about so please send me those kinds of mail too.

That’s it for tonight’s VICTORY ROADS by Sexy Zone’s Sato Shori. I’ll present Sato Shori to you as well next week. That’s it from Sexy Zone’s Sato Shori.

*Niko coffee - specialty coffee made by the café Niko Coffee Roaster in Kanagawa I believe?
**They typed いかがでしょうりinstead of いかがでしょうか
***Marius says his famous lines of replacing everything that ends with -masu with -Marius so いただきます(I shall partake) becomes いただきマリウス, ごちそうさま (thank you for the meal) becomes ごちそうさマリウス, 行ってきます (I’m leaving) becomes 行ってきマリウス and 頑張ります(I’ll do my best) becomes 頑張りマリウス
****In Japanese, 頑張ります/ganbarimasu is “I (or someone) will do my (their) best” and to instruct/ask others to do the action, you need to change it to the -te form, i.e. 頑張って/ganbatte “do your best” or more casually, 頑張れ/ganbare

member: sato shori, translations, radio: victory roads, fandom: sexy zone

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