[Radio Translation] VICTORY ROADS 2017.10.20

Jul 17, 2020 19:31

Just doing a mass migration of my old translations from Twitter, don't mind me...

[Gyugyugyugyugyu~!]Good evening to everyone listening to BayFM. I’m Sexy Zone’s Sato Shori. Today’s episode, airing on 20th October is already the third episode of VICTORY ROADS. It’s my older sister’s birthday; the 20th of October. [cheers & applause] Happy birthday. It’s also Kawai-kun of A.B.C-Z’s birthday. [cheers & applause] It’s sort of… embarrassing to talk about your own older sister over the radio, so I’ll refrain from doing so (laughs). I think we’ll probably gather as a family, but since it’ll also be my birthday in 10 days, I sort of feel like there are too many things happening at one time (laughs). Too much happening within my family. But well, my family celebrates both of our birthdays on a large scale, despite there only being a 10-day difference. I gratefully accept the celebrations they hold for me. Once again, today is my sister’s birthday so it’s a truly joyous occasion. Please congratulate her and celebrate over Twitter as well (laughs). What should I do if it starts trending? (laughs) Just joking. Well then, this week is BayFM’s Power Week. We’ve received a lot of mail from listeners who are looking for advice so I’d like to answer everyone’s mail as much as I can. I’ve been asked how my ability to give people advice is. Hmmm… I wonder. I’ve gone through a lot of experiences, so I think I’d be able to give advice which you wouldn’t normally expect from a 20-year-old (laughs). Also, in regards to whether people ask me for advice, I actually don't get asked very much (laughs). I wonder why? I get asked for advice by my juniors, though. Sou-kun’s an adult now, which is a real surprise. Plus, he’s turning 20 soon, so it’d be nice if he’d come to ask me for some advice. Marius, who’s even younger, doesn’t come to ask me for advice at all. I’ve accepted that that’s how it’s going to be (laughs). I’m still somewhat concerned about it though. Anyhow, I will be answering the listener’s questions for advice so please look forward to it. Well then, I’d like to move onto our opening number for tonight’s show. Following on from Paul and John Lennon, this is the song which George Harrison composed: The Beatles’ Here Comes the Sun.

Here Comes the Sun was composed by the main guitarist of The Beatles, George Harrison-san. The famous episode that’s related to it is when The Beatles was in an insecure situation, George visited Eric Clapton’s house in hopes of being able to relax. I think he went to visit in the early morning and came out to the lawn of the house around the time when the sun rose. He played his guitar then and apparently managed to create this song. You can feel it in the tune of the song, can’t you? Like, the sun has come! (1) When you translate the meaning of Here Comes the Sun into Japanese, it means “the sun has come!” The real title sounds nowhere near as lame as the translation, though (laughs). It sounds more stylish. He probably created it with feelings of relief. It’s a very heartwarming song.

The next corner is Sato Shori’s consultation room! I’ll squeeze you all tightly. [cheers & applause] I didn’t think of saying that initially (laughs). Once I say it, Gyutto will be played, so… I probably shouldn’t have said it (laughs). But well, I’d like to give it my best shot in giving reassuring advice. It’d be great if my advice could console the listeners to the same level as if I were to give them a warm hug. Let’s move onto this request for advice.
Mail: Shori-kun, congratulations on your first solo radio show.
Thank you!
Mail: I’m really glad that I’m able to listen to Shori-kun’s cool and interesting talks over the radio. I started learning the guitar, but I don’t know where and how I should learn it properly. Please let me know of any tips you may have.
Look, it came. It’s looking for advice on something I’m knowledgeable with. I have one tip in regards to continuing to play the guitar. To put it simply, it’s to play pieces that can be easily played by beginners, but seem challenging when seen from the perspective of a third person. If you play pieces that you think would gain you people’s favour, it motivates you to continue to learn the guitar. There are actual pieces out there that are easy yet sound cool. For example, The Beatles’ Blackbird is one, though it can be a bit difficult. Another example would be One Direction’s Little Things. If you play songs that are easy to play but sound sophisticated, even if you’re only able to play one song, you can proudly play it front of your friends. That way, I reckon you wouldn’t become discouraged. I believe it’s important to start by playing those types of songs. The main point to be wary about is that you shouldn’t play songs that are too easy nor too hard. You should choose pieces that are easy to play, but sound sophisticated according to everyone’s senses. I reckon that’s the most difficult point to follow. But well, I think 1D’s Little Things is a good song to start with. There’s no F chord, after all. Everyone says that the F chord is difficult, don’t they? I agree that it is somewhat challenging. There are a lot of songs that don’t have the F chord in them, so I think another tip you could follow is to avoid songs that have the F chord. Please practice easy songs that sound refined. Well then, for everyone who is starting to learn the guitar, including Harupi-san who sent in this mail, I’d like to try saying this with lots of energy: Gyugyugyugyugyu~! *Gyutto starts playing* [cheers & applause] (laughs) …Was that alright? (laughs) Was it? (laughs) The director is saying “thanks for that.” It’s alright, yes? I’ll believe so then (laughs). I got the “thanks” so I said it alright, right? Alright (laughs).

Sato Shori presents this song on 20 October, 2017 for Johnny’s Select! In regards to the track I chose this time… We’ve received the following mail. Let me read it out.
Mail: Good evening. I’m a university student who loves Shori-kun.
Thank you!
Mail: Before I became a fan of Shori-kun, I was solely devoted to Kinki Kids-san. That’s why, I often spend my days daydreaming about Kinki Kids songs I’d like Shori-kun to sing. Personally, the song I believe fits Shori-kun the most is Misty, composed by Tojima Kouhei-san, and Inochi no Saigo no Hitoshizuku, composed by Yamashita Tatsuro-san.
I see.
Mail: Which Kinki Kids song do you like the best? Do you also have any songs which you’d like to challenge sometime in the future?
A song I’d like to challenge, huh…
Mail: I look forward to seeing Shori-kun perform a Kinki Kids song in your solo concert again someday.
This mail recommended Misty and Inochi no Saigo no Hitoshizuku for me to sing, but well, the song I’m about to play right now is the same in the sense that I’m hoping to get the chance to sing it. I’d like to perform it when it’s ready. Well then, please listen to the song I chose for this week: Kinki Kids-san’s Mou Kimi Igai Aisenai.

There was Kinki Kids-san’s 20th anniversary concert and Tsuyoshi-kun was present through a broadcast, but the way that they managed to create the feeling of the two of them being present together on stage, along with the moment their large number of fans came to tell them, “congratulations,” was magnificent to watch. Takizawa-kun and the other juniors were also allowed to appear on stage a little as well. As his junior, I went to see the concert in hopes that we could help enliven things up, even by the slightest bit. I was really touched by one of the moments, starting from Tsuyoshi-kun’s singing part in which he sang from where he was being filmed and broadcasted. Tsuyoshi-kun was broadcasted from a different location, and Kouichi-kun was present in the concert venue, along with live band. They were singing, performing together, showcasing their show to us. What they performed was just really breathtaking. How would I describe this? It’s like, even if Kinki-san aren’t physically near each other, their music still resounds deeply in people. I found that really incredible. Of course, I’m not saying that it was necessarily a performance that was completely flawless, but I felt like crying seeing such huge seniors of mine, who have overcome various challenges, performing. They sang wonderfully, too. I end up thinking that us, as their juniors, must strive to work harder. That’s why, I’d like to try performing this song too someday. That was Kinki Kids-san’s Mou Kimi Igai Aisenai for Sato Shori’s Johnny’s Select on 20 October 2017.

We’re back to Sato Shori’s consultation room! I’ll squeeze you all tightly. [echoes, cheers & applause] This is VICTORY ROADS, presented to you by Sexy Zone’s Sato Shori. As this week is BayFM’s Power Week, today’s episode is a special one. I’d like to present Sato Shori’s consultation room. Well then, I guess this one is the final one? I’d like to read the last mail asking for advice.
Mail: I’m a first year of high school student who became Shori-kun’s fan in Year 6 of primary school.
Oh! How long have they been a fan then? 6… 4-5 years? Around the time of our debut era, right? Thank you!
Mail: There’s a boy I like in my class. Although I talk to him over LINE quite a lot, we don’t talk at all in person, despite being in the same class. Furthermore, there’s another girl who likes him in the same class.
Oooh~ A rival appears.
Mail: That girl is quite close with the boy I like. I’m afraid that he’ll be taken away by her.
The other girl is taking the lead, huh? This mail is asking what she should do. I see. Advice on romance… The area I’m most unknowledgeable in (laughs). I see, there’s a rival that’s leading ahead of her. On top of that, her rival is close with the boy she likes. There are quite a lot of these sorts of situations in TV dramas, aren’t there? They’re high school students, right? Hmm, since they’re high school students, it might not be a good idea to wait. There’s only 3 years to high school, after all. Furthermore, don’t people call those 3 years the springtime of youth? At least I think so. That’s why, I reckon she shouldn’t wait it out any longer, since those 3 years are actually short, contrary to people’s expectations. Not to mention, we’re talking about first year high school guys, right? They are at an age where they don’t notice anything around them! They wouldn’t understand what it is to like someone, especially when they’re still in first year. She also has a rival who’s on good terms with the guy, and he’ll probably end up thinking of her as cute for approaching him because of how simple-minded first year high school boys are. I reckon he probably thinks that way towards her rival. That’s why… Mana-chan? You have to be more assertive and approach him. I think that’s what you should do, and what I’d like you to do. There’s only 3 years of high school, after all. Please do your best and catch him before you graduate high school. Well then, this has become somewhat a custom, so for Mana-chan and everyone else out there who is currently in love, I’d like to present something full of love to you. ……I just said “love” myself, stop it stop it please cut it!! (laughs) Oh, whatever I guess. I’m going to say this full of love (laughs): *drumrolls* Gyugyugyu~ Gyuuuu~ *Gyutto starts playing* [cheers and applause] (laughs) Thank you. Thank you very much (laughs).

Well then, I’d like to present the last song for tonight. We had Sato Shori’s consultation room today where I squeezed you all tightly, (2) so I’d like to play this song from our single, Gyutto. Please listen to Sexy Zone’s HIT THE HEARTBEAT.

I previously mentioned Kinki’s song, Misty, and it seems that the composer for that song, Dojima Kouhei-san has become a topic of interest over the internet. He’s also created songs for us, Sexy Zone, like Lady Spicy. In fact, the song you are listening to right now, HIT THE HEARTBEAT, is also by Dojima Kouhei-san. I wonder what it is about his composition… It has a rhythm and a groove that you wouldn’t normally expect from a Japanese composer. It’s like… How did he manage to gain these skills? I wonder what he perceives when he creates these trendy songs. I really respect him. So yes, Sexy Zone sings cool songs as well, so please continue to listen to more of our songs from now on.

This is Sexy Zone’s Sato Shori, presenting the BayFM Power Week edition of VICTORY ROADS. How did you find today’s episode? It’ll be odd to count which episode we’re up to each time, but today’s one was the 3rd episode. Hmm… Speaking about advice, I haven’t been contacted by any of my juniors recently, and I don’t normally. Instead, fans have asked me for advice through this show. I’m only 20 years old, but… *HIT THE HEARTBEAT stops playing, pause* I actually think I give pretty good advice (laughs). I’m probably being told by everyone listening right now to stop being so prideful. But it’s fine, isn’t it? It’s actually pretty embarrassing to do. I’d be grateful if people would ask me for some advice from now on as well, so please feel free to send me mail requesting for advice anytime.

Well then, I shall finish up here today. Since I’ve given lots of advice today, I won’t ask for permission about finishing up now. I’ll just end it right away. …Is it really okay to finish up now?! It’ll end, you know. Ah… my tongue slipped. It’s alright, yes? Then let’s end it here. That’s it for tonight’s VICTORY ROADS by Sexy Zone’s Sato Shori. I’ll present Sato Shori to you as well next week.

(1) Shori translated “Here Comes the Sun” as 太陽が来たぞ
(2) The onomatopoeia for squeezing is “gyutto,” hence his reasoning

member: sato shori, translations, radio: victory roads, fandom: sexy zone

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