Title: ジタバタ純情 ("Struggling Pure Heart.") - Chapter 10.5: Get out of the way.
Pairings: TakaHasshi, TakaChii, Hasshinen
Fandom: Hey!Say! JUMP, Johnny's Junior
Genre: Angst, fluff
Rating: PG-15.
Warnings : Boy love?
Disclaimer: Buying JE at the moment Me no ownie.
Summary: Takaki isn't as dumb as he looks.
If you don't stay away from him, I'm going to kill you. )
Uhm. Read the first chapters? They kind of had a bad break up and Hasshi kind of made out with Chinen to make Takaki jealous and it worked.
Clearer or do I totally fail as a writer?
I don't know if I got it yet. Only you can tell. :) No you don't fail. I love this fic! *gives away a batch of cookies* :D
Hasshi basically didn't do anything bad, just that Takaki wasn't really in love with him and faked it the whole time. Because Hasshi is good in bed, or because he felt stuck with Hasshi, or because Chinen just pwns Takaki's soul really bad. Take your pick.
Okay, seriously. I think I'm going to make sure I make a chapter that explains the relationship a bit more.
No, you didn't annoy me. It just told me that I have to be more obvious about some things.
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