Long time no see

Jul 13, 2010 14:07

I like summer. But not a 38°C summer ( Read more... )

argh, cirque du soleil, food, rdj

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Comments 3

l_4_u_r_4 July 13 2010, 20:32:47 UTC
I like summer. And I even like a 38°C summer - if there are such things as air-conditioning (that works...) around, and if I don't have to work but can enjoy the weather, preferably whilst being at a beautiful beach and frequently jumping into the sea/a nice pool/a great lake/you get the point.

But 38°C in Germany, having to study for exams and write essays that will be assesed and are important, and having to attend classes in small, not or not sufficiently air-conditioned rooms? this sucks hydeXcore

what a shame the dim sum wasn't good :( I think you definitely owe yourself some Japanese delicacies tomorrow :D
(which reminds me that I totally have to visit superkato mañana ;D

loooooooove the tapdance!!!
and hope to see you soon <3 <3 <3


jackilein July 15 2010, 12:51:47 UTC
Ohh I wanna see that cyborg movie, too *_* heard ppl talking bout it and thought that it sounds interesting |D

AND yaaaaaaay for new ghibli movie *_________*~ have to agree - the music is so wonderful ;O;<3

ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR RDJ <3 I totally adored him in KKBB - well.. ICH MUSSTE BISHER BEI JEDEM MOVIE MIT IHM FANGIRLEN XD he's such a gorgeous actor *_* and smart n sexy <3
haha yesterday I saw an older guy in Ddorf and thought that he was kinda seksay |D maybe I have a weakness, too XD (wenn Hammi das wüsste ;P der sieht ja so jung aus XD)

aaaah XD ich hab bei deinem gif die ganze zeit versucht, RDJ oder Jude Law zu erkennen XD bis ich realisiert habe, dass die da gar nich drauf sind ;_; GIB MIR MEHR VON DEN SHERLOCK HOLMES GIFS BABE XD

ich habe entzugserscheinungen q_q


jackilein July 15 2010, 12:54:02 UTC
あああDimSum はおいしくなくて、ざんねんでした! ;_; es gibt fast nichts schlimmeres, als wenn man sich auf so voll geiles essen freut und dann wird man enttäushct XD
ich hoffe der koreaner enttäuscht uns nicht *_* ich freu mich schon drauf <3<3<3<3


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