Takumi's Heart

May 05, 2010 12:34


Takumi's story:

Takumi has holes in his heart and he needs your help. Two years ago, Takumi was diagnosed with cardiac enlargement. In January he had 2 heart attacks, and one in early February. On February 5th, he suffered a stroke while traveling on a bus. He was diagnosed with VSD, Ventricular Septal Defect, more commonly known as a hole in the heart. On April 26, he was further diagnosed with Atrial Septal Defect. Takumi has at least three holes in his heart now. They were most likely caused by his heart attacks. His parents refused to take financial responsibility for their gay son, so they kicked him out of the house in a fit of violence, striking Takumi in the face with a belt, and forced him to find his own way to pay for his medical care. Now he is living in a tiny apartment, very sick, unable to breathe properly, and with a bleeding wound on his chest where the doctors attempted to repair his damaged heart. After a lifetime of caring for his family, he now finds himself entirely dependent on the kindness of friends and now strangers to get enough money to pay his medical and living expenses until he is well enough to work.

This page was set up to get that help. I ask you to read his story here in more detail on the faq page, share it with others using Facebook, Twitter, or whatever networks you belong to, and donate some money if you can spare it. Any help you can give would go a long way to saving Takumi’s life.
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