I'm not going to make this tonight, too much stuff going on.
But if you go, PLEASE tell me about it.
I am planning to go to this tomorrow night, barring any really crazy stuff or firework.
Schedule for next meeting (Co-presented with HacDC)
7 July, 2009
7 PM - 8 PM (ET)
HacDC (Room TBA)
1525 Newton St NW
Washington DC 20010
This is the tubular bells meeting. The talk will be given by Keith Sinzinger.
I'll link to the information, but it is basically, Keith will be talking about making them and using Processing to control other things along with them.
HacDC members Alden Hart (still aglow with kudos from his MAKE Magazine "LED Light Brick" project and blog mentions on MAKE, Boing Boing, and Boing Boing Gadgets) and Elliot Williams (HacDC president and teacher extraordinaire) will show us what they made for the recent Art-o-matic event.
So here is the link on Make's Blog.