I normally don't do seriously big posts on politics....

Aug 19, 2008 13:43

Cause really I do suck at it....I'm not very political at all.
So, here is my shot at it, please let me know where I'm wrong in these things, because I don't have a good feel on it normally.
(* It's an Aries thing, headlong into stuff really fast *)

So over in The McCann Report, a  Blog you can believe in, (* No sh**, that is what it says....)  we see a nice slice at gamers.
It may be typical of the pro-Obama Dungeons & Dragons crowd to disparage a fellow countryman's memory
of war from the comfort of mom's basement, but most Americans have the humility and gratitude to respect
and learn from the memories of men who suffered on behalf of others.

You can read the whole thing here.

Now what disturbs me is that, by making that statement, Mr. Goldfarb took a swipe not only at left wing liberals who believe in dragons and dungeons, but
also at all the current and ex-players of the game that are either currently in the service or were in the service.  And by extension, took a nice right hook at
other gamers who may have been or still are in the military: Any Table Top RPG players could be lumped here, as could any Live Action Role Players, be they
VtM/OWBN, Nero, XPI, Threads or a Theater Style group, all the MtG players and the games like PowerGrid players. 
And finally all the gamers out there, playing COD 4 or Battlefield Bad Company also took a glancing blow.

So while I may be a Obama supporter (Really I don't know yet, I have to look into somethings) and I have played D&D, more than once.  It does not mean that
I will take what has happened to Mr. McCann in the past while a POW lightly.  I think that it adds a great deal of weight to his character and qualifications as a
leader of the free world.  Not that other parts of his campaign don't chill my bones and make me want to hid in a basement. His military record and his time as a POW
allow me to have a great deal of respect for him.  The positions that he has on other things though, are what makes me not want to vote for him.

Why this disturbs me is that from a political stand point is that this was NOT a smart move, not one to say on an Internet web site.  Because if you trace all the games
above, most of them can call at least a small portion of the game created either coming directly from D&D or from someone who played D&D.  IMHO, this will piss off a great deal
of the gamers out there, because while they might not see a combat or be a POW, I don't think all of them just push that to the side disrespect it out of hand
because they played a table top RPG in a basement.  And that really is what I get from this article, it really is.

So to Mr. GoldFarb, please see Fig.1
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