Jul 30, 2007 17:09
I never said anything about Minnesota and ISU so yea I'll briefly say something about Minnesota and ISU. Minnesota is too big. The engineering department is good and they have my major. The stores downtown didn't seem that great. The dorms were nothing special. The Mall of America isn't all it's cracked up to be. I guess I thought it was mediocre. The price is pretty nice though for out of state, and I could possibly get a pretty good scholarship so I'll keep my options open. I really like Iowa State as a school. I love the campus, the food, the dorms, and they have a nice engineering department. The town is probably the worst out of all of them, but it's not that bad. I'll have Caitlin and Kathryn there if I get lonely. And it's not in Iowa City, but at least kind of close. The cost will be good enough. Unfortunately they don't have the major I want. I guess so far I like Northwestern and Iowa State the most. I still have to visit Iowa and then maybe that'll be it. Hopefully I won't like it.