
this will be an interesting week..

Aug 19, 2001 18:49

Dad left for Hong Kong last night to visit my brother, Leslie and Claire (my newborn niece) and i gave him and EXTRA long shopping list to take with him. I can't wait to see little pictures of her when i gets back. My first niece - how exciting. I'm excited. haehehohehe! aswell as that, I'm into my second week of HSC examinations at school. 5 more days 'till i'm freeeee of all this crap. And since my 18th birthday sucked much ass, I've gotten into planning a house party for friday night. woohoo, cant wait. It'll kinda celebrate the end of exams as well as doubling as a belated birthday party for me. Things are looking good to the week ahead. Dad is gone, mum doesnt give a shit and the weather is beautiful. Bring it on, i love the warm weather hehe.. it better be warm on the night of my party .. i'm shoving everyone in the backyard. HOORAY FOR PARTIES
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