long time....lol

Jul 17, 2004 12:01

Well, i'm back ladies and gentlemen, after a pretty eventful few days. I wasnt on vacation or anything, but i was enjoying myself. The reason that i haven't replied to anyone's e-mails, or seen anyone on AIM or anything is because Lightening struck the tree in front of my house, an it blew out my ... 1) TV 2) Alarm 3)PhoneLines 4) Internet and 5) The garage door. So yea, that was pretty fun. So i'll try and update... QUIETLY cuz Danny's sleeping.

I got ahold of the wonderful internet at Danny's house. It's our two months today, so I came really early to surprise him. Not just early, the ass crack of dawn early. I was at his house at 6:00 so I could wake him up and get to the beach for the sunrise. It worked out perfect! Just the two of us, two pillows, and our fav. breakfast. After that we came back to his house and have been sleeping ever since. I cant sleep anymore...so i let him hog my side of the bed, cuz i'm a good girlfriend.lol Happy 2 Months.i love you

My daddy left to NY on thursday. i miss him as weird as it is. But since he's not here i get to have marie! yay!

I had the most entertaining Dinner at Benihanna's the other night. OH MAN. I was there with Danny and his family, and we had an a fuckin WWIII at our table.lol. These 2 ladies at one end kept talking shit about everyone in the restaurant, and complaining about how there wasnt enough chicken in the fried rice. She was telling the fuckin cook how to cook. She wanted him to stop everything he was doing, to go get " kevin" who she was crying for...so she could tell him that it was , and i quote..." Very, very, sad to see that for all this rice... there are only THREE chicken breasts, that is very bad. Very very very bad." I was like.... WTF. Anyways, long story short, we all stood up and bitched at them in one way or another, and they said we were all from the gutter", and they couldnt stay here and eat with people from the " gutter" so they left ad we got their food! lol.

I got Danny's little sister Kate over her fear of snakes! i'm s happy... i love that girl. She reminds me of me in way. she's so awesome.

Well, i think i'm gunna go get my side of the bed back. talk to you guys when i get my internet back.

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