CONCERT: Max Bemis

Dec 11, 2011 21:30

I went to see Max Bemis last night for my birthday, which is on Tuesday, because Say Anything is my favorite band, and well, I figured Max Bemis was the next best thing. Honestly, I can't imagine the night being any different, can't imagine having seen the full band there instead. I loved the whole thing, loved the chemistry of it. It was the best birthday gift I could have ever been given, and I am SO happy.
Max Bemis
Sherri DuPree Bemis

We had to wait literally FOREVER for anyone to start playing, but it was totally worth it. Sherri played a couple of songs on her own, then Max came out and played a couple with her, and then she played three more by herself. Let me just say that they are THE MOST ADORABLE COUPLE EVER and I cannot let go of that fact. They're both adorable by themselves, but they're even more squee-inducing together and just gah, they were so cute. n_n I've never listened to any of Eisley's music, but Sherri was really good. I loved her a bunch and kind of just want to steal her and all of her adorableness and take it home with me. Her and her pink/purple hair! :3

I didn't really expect to enjoy the concert so much. The only other acoustic concert I've been to was awful, so my hopes weren't very high. I wasn't really sure what to expect. Max Bemis and The Painful Splits? Maybe a couple Say Anything songs thrown in there? Nope. We got mostly Say Anything's songs, acoustic and AMAZING and wonderful, ranging from Baseball to their self-titled album, even a song off the upcoming album. I think I might just like the songs better acoustic. Like, wow, that was just so great. Listening to Say Anything's albums on the ride home felt like nothing compared to Max playing them acoustically, like they were completely meaningless. I went to this concert with my two best friends, Alex and Elias (Elias also being my boyfriend), and I'm so glad they came along. Singing the lyrics in Elias's ear made them feel like so much more. The fact that he listened to ALL of Say Anything's songs nonstop for two days before the concert so that he'd know the lyrics just to please me makes me SO happy. <3 This was easily one of the best concerts I've been to, definitely one of my favorites. It was an amazing experience. I can't believe the tickets were so cheap, because I would pay any amount to have this experience again.

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max bemis, sherri dupree bemis, concert

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