CONCERT: Hawthorne Heights

Sep 05, 2011 00:59

So today I went to see Hawthorne Heights with my friends Alex and Austin, and it was a lot better than I expected it to be.
Hawthorne Heights
Just Like Gentlemen

Before we went to the concert, we had nachos for dinner, and there was this poor guy sitting all alone, so we went and talked to him. Turns out, he was the former vocalist for Just Like Gentlemen, so we talked to him for a little while before getting in the line to get in. Actually, we started the line 'cause we got there an hour early due to Alex's insistence. O_o We ended up being right up against the speakers on the stage, which was pretty awesome.

The first band that played was Roswell, and they were pretty good, a lot better than most of the opening bands I've heard. I felt like I'd actually listened to them before, which was kind of weird. They were giving away free demos, so each of us got one.

The second band was Just Like Gentlemen, and they were possibly my favorite band that played. They were really intense, but I would have liked it if they were a little bit louder. I kind of just wanted them to drown out all of the thoughts in my brain. They were pretty much just awesome in general, so I got one of their shirts - actually, the only style shirt they had. Their vocalist kept like dripping sweat onto Alex's and my faces. O_o But somehow that was okay.

Vifolly played third, and they were great too. They reminded me of like Muse but way heavier. O_o If that makes any sense. I loved their hair; it was psychotic. One of them put on a top hat, and he looked like the mad hatter, and it pretty much made him look even more insane. O_o He kept like staring at Alex. XD Their bassist gave me one of his picks. :D

I didn't expect Hawthorne Heights to be all that great, considering I don't really like any of the music they've released since The Silence In Black And White, but they were actually really awesome. They played a lot of their older songs, which was great. People kept yelling at them to play "old shit" and they started ranting about how their stuff from 2005 wasn't old lol. Then they started on about how they don't sell their cds at Walmart anymore because they feel dumber every time they walk in there. XD We were nearly crushed against the stage by all of the people behind us, and we're all covered in bruises now. D: At one point, JT ended up standing almost on top of us, and he was nearly pulled into the crowd. One of the strings on his guitar broke, and he didn't seem to mind. He almost hit me in the face with his guitar like three times, and I was kind of trying to keep away from it, but people were also pushing me forward, so it was kind of difficult.

Overall, it was a pretty awesome concert, and even if I hadn't particularly wanted to go to begin with, I'm really glad I did. :D

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just like gentlemen, vifolly, hawthorne heights, roswell, concert, personal

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