(no subject)

Jun 21, 2005 21:05

so today was my last final of my sophmore year...i went to church street to culture-cultore and bought cool stuff. and then i went to the ymca and then i went home changed went back to the ymca for some stupid meeting that wasted valuable time that i could have been at a party...aaron popped out of the corner when i was at a red light...lol it was really weird...i went to staples then i went to the party made video...danced ate...danced...made fire...danced...made and engorged in smores....oh yea and i found the store where i want everyone to buy me presents for my birthday, it had an elvis purse a m. monroe pocketbook that was goregous beyond belief, it took my breath away i loved it soo much mor than the elvis....oh btw hints for presents anything elvis, audrey hepburn, marylin monroe and jewlery...or anything from that store on church street the one with all the fountains outside of it ..that is like my new favorite store...im really tired so im gonnna go watch a movie...lol call my boyfriend lol nvm that what bf...call my voice mail change my message and drink some alcohol!!!jkno alcohol not yet...i act drunk enough without it!!!
ha ha
im gonna go nowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
i feel deiiezzy lolweeeeeeeeee
those finals really got to me man im so drainde

bye peace much love homies

la cigal ayent chante tout lelt se trouvre for t deporvue quand la bis fut venue
pas un seul petit mourcau de mouche au de vermisseau
elle alla crier famine che la fourmi sa voisine
quel que grain pour subsister
jusca a la saision nouvelle
je vous pariar liu dit elle avont lut foi danimal
interet et principal
la fourmi nest pas preteuse
cest lason moindre defaut
lol that all i can remeber at the moment so peace again
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