(no subject)

Jun 15, 2006 17:23

im bringing my pillow for 5th hour and sleeping on the couch.
hellz yea theres a couch! in my 5th hour.

im hungry.
i have thousands of mosiwuto bites from the woods yesterday and zomg im really mad why, i thought those gay things sleep at day time.

i got my father a portable cell phone charger, sweet right? its not out yet.

Once you are tagged you must write an entry about six weird habits/things (about yourself) as well as state this rule clearly. In the end, you need to choose the next six people to be tagged and list their names.

I was tagged by: marsha

1. when its hot, really really hot my butt sweats and i feel like i peed myself

2. i hug a pillow at night

3. i bite my nails a lot

4. my toes are fugly crooked and i paint them to throw you off.

5. i eat at jaclyns house all the time
"lol you do eat at my house alot
you should change that to, "jaclyn cooks me almost all of my meals"
6. i sit in the shower with a radio."

I tag: everyone who reads this
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