(no subject)

Feb 02, 2006 23:24

haha well the new freinds things kinda going out
im talking to more people once again
meeting damned myspace folk
but its sweet
not stuck in the same group of freinds all the time anymore
i hate when that shizzle happens
this week is going by sweet so far
i took no-doz today thinking that it wasnt going to do much
i was cracked out till about 5 in the evening
when i took the pills at 8 in the morning
i couldnt stop moving haha
it was so sweet
caffine pills are gnarly
i want coca cola
and my breathe smells like shitttt
i finally got my mp3 player back from robs
so that whole paying attention thing ive been doing in school
has Just gone down the drain
i find math really fun though
hopefully home school next year for myself
it should be sweet
but ill have to spread my friends so i dont
get stuck hanging with stoner
drop out
who are really annoying in my perspective
im loving being in this band
we are doing everything i have ever wanted to do
making music
going places
its so much fun
i get this feeling on stage its like nothing you can describe
its complete bliss im so happy when im up there
i could have lost some one close
but when i get on the drumset
theres nothing that can bother me
no matter what
its the best cure to any disease,cold,heartbreak,drama,aids.
fucking anything
have aids
play drums
thats all you need

i know why i fuck up relationships
because i know my music is more important than some chick
girls i have found are temporary becuase no one has proved me otherwise in the past big one five years
so ill stick to that
and my drumset hasnt let me down once
in one full year *sarcasm* i break drumheads and sticks rarely
so im more dependant on that
cause it makes me really happy
my drumset doesnt tell my friends anything
i sound liek a freak but i would die for my drums
there is nothing id rather do than bang on my drums all day
no cares for anything
just play tunes
and no bitch about me or about you
thats all i wanna do (yes that rhymed)

yeah who doesnt have their eyes on someone or someTwoorthree
you know whatever everyone does
no matter what
and ill tell you who i like
cause its pointless to be like OMG OMG OMG I LIEKSOMEONE and not say it
i like these people
rael, nicole, got over one chick i used to like, and a girl off of myspace no one would know
i hung out with her at the end of summer vacation
i think case would be the only one to know who she is
cause i can tell him anything

10 years ago:

01. I was 5

02. I was in paxson elementary in montana

03. I was an asshole brother

04. I treated my mom like absolute shit

05. I moved to missouri

5 years ago:

01. I was 10

02. My dad kicked me out of my house

03. I went to my first local show with my bro Mitchelle Hund

04. I dislike/hated passionatley towards me dad

05. I had armpit hair

1 year ago:

01. I had just got broken up with tess

02. I had long hair

03. I was on probation

04. I was freinds with everyone

05. I was whiney

01. I slept 2 hours

02. I listened to music

03. I think i talked to alyssa about whatever it was, no big deal

04. I was very tired

05. I was happy

5 snacks I like:
01. Coca cola

02. Pizza

03. Anything unhealthy

04. Clif Bars

05. Tacos

5 songs I know all the words to:
01. Big d- LAX

02. Lower Class Brats-Ultra Violence

03. Big D- A Moment Without An End :/

04. The Black Dahlia Murder- Closed Casket Requim

05. The Unsees- False Hope and Scream out of course

If I had a billion dollars:

01. Id get a new drumset

02. Buy case all the computer stuff he needs for the shit he has helped me with

03. Buy my friends all coca cola

04. I'd buy myself a keg of coca cola maybe 2

05. A flower for whomever i want to give it to

Favorite TV shows:
01. Aqua Teen Hunger Force

02. Family Guy

03. Simpsons



5 favorite body parts:


02. teeth

03. eyesss

04. legs

05. keester

5 people I tag to do this:
01. anyone

02. who

03. has

04. no

05. life
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