Aug 09, 2006 10:59
You ever go to sleep, then wake up and look at the clock and be like wow I was in bed for 8 hours and I don't even feel like I've slept 3. Or then you go to sleep and you wake up feeling so refreshed, like the best sleep you've had, but how do you even know if you were really asleep the whole time because you can't remember? You assume you should have been because you feel refreshed. I guess there's stuff you know by feeling. Ahh I need to go eat breakfast, Good morning!
Oh Geez, right now I'm listening to this band called the bright black morning light, they are this hippie band that lives in a teepee, their cd came in all recycled paper with 3-d googles with pot leaves on them, yeah I didn't actually buy this cd but my co-worker did and I'll be honest it is the best music to wake up to. Pretty far oout ahahah