Sep 30, 2008 20:31
He still talks to Mary.
which is ok but will always and forever scare me.
I'll never be able to pinpoint exactly why. but they were engaged...I'm intimidated. She still loves him, which intimidates me more.
and they talk on myspace.
all he mentions about me is :me and haley get along really well." which is true. But just seems so sparse. I get that maybe he figures she doesn't wanna hear about me. and she's with some new guy......ugh.
and then he told her that he still changes the radio when songs she used to listen to come on...which bothers me more. because it means he still has feelings for her too. doesn't it? and I knew he did/does. you don't really fall out of love, i guess. but it still twists my stomach to know that. I don't know.
i'm just a fool, i suppose.
Things really are actually great. we do in fact get along really well. I'm just...over analyzing things, like always, i suppose.
good lord, does the crazy ever stop?