Apr 25, 2005 20:08
1. Leave me a comment saying, "Interview me."
2. I will respond by asking you five questions. I get to pick the questions.
3. You will update your LJ with the answers to the questions.
4. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the same post.
5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions.
okkk ellens questions
1. if you could relive one day from your past what would it be? there are a lot, nights in the kings road with anissa and cat, noodle time with people and at night we wouldnt shutup and then me and cat were greeted by an angry mai anh and her shoe got stuck somewhere. and then the day when cat harri and rosalie came over and we watched sorority boys and then red dragon and we couldn't pee cos my house was soo scary so all 4 of us went together... and also when i got to meet cat properly at outdoor bowles centrre and she had an unfortunate accident on the ski slope heh.then at georgias house on halloween then watching the exorcist and me sian and cat being so fucking scared after and maddy being so cross... act. just georgias house in general with katie and cat. wowee i have so many good memories. OH AND ALSO that time when i went shoppingin selfrdiges with cat then we were late for you and then we met anissa and emily and matt and tim to go to attica, and your mum was angry, oh and that time we jacked over 100 pounds worth of stuff.
2. if you could choose an age to stop growing up at what would it be and why?
29 because i think thats when your life ends and from then on its all about having children and you start getting old
3. do you want children? what will you call them? yes i doo they would be called nathaniel hohum sorry didnt know about you... ashley, lukas, annd harley lol im not obsessed they are just buff names
4. is there any girl celebrity you would become bisexual for? does that make sense as a question? yes it doesmake sense and there are a few.... adriana lima, alex from the oc, summer from the oc, gemma ward but that sounds a wee bit paedophilic.
5. would you rather be fat or fuuuuuuugly? fat cos you can always lose weight