005: Ditziness and Doldrums

Jan 06, 2009 23:21

I've not posted in a long time and... well... I lost everyone's presents.

I am so so so so so sorry. Especially since people were so kind as to give me gifts. And they were so lovely. I've already started using the cookbooks and the blanket is lovely and... I'm so sorry, everyone.
When I find them, wherever the mansion's hidden them, I'll give them out, I promise.

I'm also terribly bored and while the treacle is absolutely lovely, I just feel... without much to do. I've been cooking and baking and I've been taking walks and reading books, but... I'm bored. I want something to do. Back in Terre de'Ange, there was always something to do. Anafiel always had another book to read, another training sessions and if neither of those, a language to learn or, as it was many nights, an assignation. And off I'd go to some manse or well-apointed town home and I'd be charming and witty and appropriately coy before being taken to bed and all the while I was to listen and spy and report everything back to Anafiel when I returned the next day.

In Wonderland? There are no political enemies to be sent to spy on, there is no great purpose to work towards, there's no pressing mission.

So. I'm bored.
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