- What is something you did outside?
- Who did you laugh with today?
- What surprised you today?
- Who sat next to you at lunch? What did they eat? (That one might be fishing for lunch ideas.
) - Was anyone absent today? Do you know why they weren’t there?
- What is something you did at your desk?
- Did your teacher teach something you already knew? What was it?
- What color shoes was your teacher wearing? (I love questions that make kids stretch their memory muscle and get them used to noticing details. If they can’t answer this question today, I bet they’ll be able to answer it tomorrow!)
- What problem did you solve? Or what problem do you need help solving?
- What one word would you use to describe today?
я завжди, шукала одне, знайшла інше ))) я кожного дня по дорозі зі школи задаю питання Льоші, тут знайшла кілька цікавих варіантів, для різноманіття ))