Lately, I’ve been thinking about writing more. After school I mean. I only have one class left for grad school but that class requires me to write a 30-50 page paper. So, I will be writing more when that class starts next week but not the way I’ve been considering. I like to write and have all these stories bouncing around inside my head that I've collected throughout my life. They’re true - - things I've experienced or witnessed. Take for example the time that my mom hit a drunk who stumbled in front of her car when we were on our way to church one winter evening during Advent while Bing Crosby tinnily crooned through the car's speakers (I refer to this piece as “Ho, Ho, Hobo!”). If this sounds tragic to you, let me assure you that he was fine and shit like this is comic gold! I mean, he was probably sore the next day both from being totally smashed the night before both from booze and from my mom’s baby shit brown AMC Concord station wagon. I’d like to write those stories out now but I somehow doubt that's what my grad school professor is looking for. His loss. I can practically guarantee that “Ho, Ho, Hobo” would be more entertaining than my capstone paper. Anyway… I’ve been listening to the universe more because even though she’s slow, I do think she's right and, what’s more, her timing recently ended up perfect (don’t tell her I said that - - don’t want it to go to her head). I think the universe is telling me, “Yeah! You should write!” When I rolled into Kripalu last night, I was simultaneously surprised and not at all surprised to see “Pen Practice” on the schedule as an optional workshop this morning. I opted into that and it was about cultivating a writing practice. Which, after the session seems a little more manageable than I’d previously considered. And let’s face it, a practice is more than I have now which is a willy nilly brain dump (which is really what this is). And then, just in case I wasn’t paying attention to the universe, she sent me
this article today.
Today’s frozen drizzle felt like a nod of permission to pass the time by writing or reading a book. Or even napping with the white noise of steady precipitation in the background. I enjoyed my one day of unemployment. I pulled a tarot card today and found myself marveling at the universe once more who plated up the Six of Swords. There’s a rumor going around that I’ll return to my former employer. I’d never say never - - I've learned that by now. But I kind of wish I hadn’t heard that rumor. It’s like the time in 1994 when Chris Vickery, a kid I went to high school with, smugly announced over the phone that he knew me. And I remember thinking, “Oh do you now? Well, bet you didn’t expected that I’d stop speaking to you after THAT remark. Surprise!” In reality, I should have asked him to explain who I was to me because at that time I was a clueless 20 year old who had no idea. Instead, true to my internal soundtrack, I stopped speaking to him. I’m stubborn like that and I'm sure Chris knew that. I’d like to tell you that quality left me in my 20s but it hasn't and in and reality, it’s served me well and overall, I've managed not to cut off my nose to spite my face.