May 12, 2009 16:37
What is planning?
Planning is the first management function in the list. It is important for us to plan before we handle a problem.
Planning simply starts off with setting targets, and with the targets made known to subordinates, we can
proceed on to planning for job delegations. After which, we have to plan on how to lead and motivate. Throughout
the process of implementing the decision, there will be times whereby we have to control. This is where
we plan on how to tackle disturbance and external or internal conflicts while facing the problem or in the process of
achieveing the goals.
Some managers do not do planning, because they do not understand the process. So what we are suppose to tell
Educate them!! >_<
All over again, Planning, Organising, Leading AND Controlling!
GAHH! We are already in the Decision Making chapter please~~Just go through all the answers already dammmmmitt.