Yay! I found my old flashdrive!

Feb 19, 2014 04:13

Or one of them anyway. I've been looking through it most of the night. I found a bunch of old pictures that made me smile, music I thought I'd lost, old fics that were never finished... It's like a time capsule. Considering I just got through a time of difficulty with my gaming group (in that we're no longer a gaming group), it was a nice surprise.

It also contained several of my older NaNo stories, so I was glad to get those back as well... even if I never finish them. They were still worked on and I worked hard at them.

Finally, I think it resparked my muse. I am kinda sad that the night is almost over because my mind it starting to get back to work.

I was also able to finish Kyoyuger which I did thoroughly enjoy. I'm looking forward to TRAINS! next as well.
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