Oct 11, 2013 07:19

J took the kids on an overnight trip after he got off work so that he could spend more time with them. Their bags had been packed and D and I had made sure homework was done and everything had been packed. We waved as the three took off, the children chatting up a storm in the backseat before retiring to our own car. I turned to D and asked what she wanted to do. This was how we found ourselves in a Halloween Store, hyped up on the feeling of Halloween. It was mostly a look around trip for costume pieces, looking for a tree, and just a general window shopping trip. I dodged the clowns. She dodged the zombie children statues and we played with costume pieces and the like. As she was looking at something that I didn't find as interesting, I decided to wander off to see if I could find anything scorpion related (I didn't) so that I could have a partner for my other large scorpion. At some point, someone stole my second one, Price, and Vince seems kinda sad all alone. There were giant rats that I smiled at and spiders that I passed by and your typical skulls of different sizes. The normal fair at such stores. Then I gave pause.

There on the floor, all by himself, was the most adorable creepy teddy bear I had ever seen in my life. He had red eyes, his face was skeletal, ending in a top jaw of pointy teeth. There was no bottom. On all four paws, he had claws that were long and pronounced. The rest of him was covered in shaggy brown fur. My eyes lit up and I picked him up to see him, noticing he felt soft in my touch. At this point, D decided to come looking for me, since that was pretty much how we operate when we shopped at this point, and I looked up at her with a grin, holding the bear for her to see.

As would be expected, she jumped a bit and blinked before completely calming herself, getting an affectionate look on her face and smiling. "It's your kind of cute, Ary." I cuddled him to me. "Isn't he the cutest thing?" "For you, Sweety. For you." Unsure of my bank account, I reluctantly put him back. I moved to find a place to check my bank account and noticed four others in a different section. I made a 'huh' noise and went back to my phone, hoping that all of the charges had gone through and I could afford the bear. They had and I could. I walked right past the four bears on the shelf. Those weren't -my- bear. Mine was the one on the floor by himself ignored by the rest of the patrons.

I quickly scooped him up and rushed back to D who was completely amused. We got it to the counter and set it down. The man said it played creepy noises. We tried it and decided that that was enough of that. I bought the bear, opened the Velcro on his back and removed the batteries in the pack. If I could find a safe way to remove -all- of the box, I would and I would keep a bag of candy corn in their instead. For nomming.

Of course, now the creepy undead teddy bear needed a name. I had one rule for Halloween items that are named: They must be named after a writer, actor, character, director, or composer of a horror media. The bats were Lovecraft and Bradbury. The bats were Vince and Price. The raven was Lenore. This teddy bear must follow in those footsteps. I wracked my brain. Lugosi was more of a bat's name. Karloff didn't really fit. He wasn't a patchwork after all. Neither Lon nor Chaney really suited him. I sighed. This bear needed a name. So, I looked to see what he was. He was a teddy bear. No luck there. He was creepy, but that didn't lead me to anything. He also looked a little undead. I paused and looked at D. "What was the name of the director of "Night of the Living Dead?'" She looked around for a minute and saw a movie rack. She rushed over and pulled the movies off the shelf, looking through them as they were a host of older and new horror movies. Finally she pulled the right one and look at it. "George A. Romero." "Romero! That's my bear's name. Romero." She nodded approvingly and just smiled.

D was right. The bear was my sort of creepy. To me, he talked in a mix of cutesy noises and childish talk. He did somersaults and played peakaboo. He cuddled with me when I'm doing things. And if he needed to go out and feast on the flesh of the living every once in a while, well, that was fine as long as he was back for Hocus Pocus. Because it's just wrong to miss Hocus Pocus. Completely unforgivable.
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