(no subject)

Dec 07, 2007 15:38

Awww fack. My belly hurts from my period. I walked around all day with an ache at the small of my back. But, I can say two things: I'M DONE WITH CLASSES! and #2: Fack it hurts!!!

I'm going to miss all my classes, but Biol 497 most especially. It was a fun class, and after looking at my grades, I can expect a 3.7 or a 3.8 in that class, so I am quite satisfied (in Elizabeth Bennet's voice). :) I could have gotten a 4.0 in that class if I studied hard enough, but I guess there are just things you can't change. Our group overall I think got the highest grade in the group presentation, and I am ridiculously proud of our efforts. I am *really* going to miss this class like no other; I mean, seriously.

Now, I just  have two finals to finish, and I'm done! After that, all I have to worry about is submitting my MIRT application, which practically is almost done; I've asked and given the official recommendation forms to 4 different people, who will all submit it hopefully by next week. :) I'm basically done with my personal statement, a 6-pager... the application form is finished... all I need to do now is get my official transcript.

However, these next few days will be the times of reckoning.

Format last Biol 462 lecture (7 down, 1 more to go)

Format all Biol 404 lectures (1 down, 6 more to go)

Study-study-study-study :)

Biol 462 midterm 3

Biol 404 final

then: DONE!!

And sleepover at my  place, on Sunday night. ^_^
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