Mar 28, 2006 02:27
Name: Arylwyn
I sleep naked: Not recently...
I wear pink: I don't own any.
I've dyed my hair: Red
I've danced around in my underwear: Nope
I like(d) the Spice Girls: I didn't. Though I went to the concert to babysit a friends sister.
I wear makeup: Once in a while.
I've snuck out to meet boys: No
I keep a diary: I write here, and sometimes I actually write.
I love chocolate: Very much so.
Chick flicks make me cry: It's become easier and easier for me to cry when I see them.
I've drank because of a guy: Yes
I still need my girl time: Not really.
It takes me at least an hour to get ready: Not usually. Unless something special is happening.
I still have sleep overs w/ my girls?: No
I love doing my hair: Meh
My boyfriend's better than yours: Yes, because he's special and has more hair than anyone knows what to do with.
Trucks are pretty much hot: No, but useful at times.
I've given a guy a fake number: I just say no...
I've been honked at going down the road: Yea.
I've been hit on in public: Yea, at work by sleasy men at 1am.
I've been called a slut: Not to my face.
I love singing: Yes I do.
I love dancing: Yes, especially slow dancing.
My boobs are too big: They get in the way a bit...
My boobs are too small: one has ever accused them of that...
Football players are hot: No, not really.
I have my belly button pierced: No
I have my tongue pierced: AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!! no.
I have a tattoo: A tiger on my shoulder.
I have gotten suspended: No
I have gotten arrested: Nopers
i need a hug