May 18, 2003 11:56
I am a horrible Livejournal keeper. I'm sorry, but it's totally true. I never write in here. It's so sad. FOD is still where I post, I just can't help myself. It's all my loyal fans. Ha. Anyway. I'm going to talk about my whole love situation. I have completely fallen for this girl. I can't believe I have not said anything in here before. Her name is Melissa, and yes, I met her online. And of course, she lives far far away. I'm flying up to see her next weekend. Hehe. I am so excited. I can't wait to actually meet her. Of course I have all kinds of issues with this. I mean, she is the most wonderful and attractive girl I have ever met. Seriously, this girl is beautiful. So beautiful infact, that I don't understand why she likes me. And she does, she really likes me. I just can't believe it. She keeps talking about how I'm going to go up there and meet her and not like her anymore, and I'm like "yeah right, that's what is going to happen when you meet me." So I'm so scared about going up there and I just like her so much. I really really do. I'm sure all my friends are sick of hearing about her. Heh. I can't help myself. I'm thinking about her all the time and therefore she gets talked about all the time. Hey, I think I'll do a little talking about her right now...
Okay, she's exactly my height. She dyes her hair bright red, she is really skinny, she has a few tatoos...a woman's symbol on her hip, her zodiac sign on her back and and L and an R on the respective wrists. Which I think is clever. Also her lip is pierced as well as her nose and her nipples. Her favorite poet is Emily Dickinson. She loves the color red. She does not like pizza and she likes Pepsi better than Coke. Yeah, there is a whole bunch more, and I could probably talk about her forever, 'cause she is the coolest girl in the world. But I'll stop, because you're all probably vomiting little pink bunnies at this point.