Anime NebrasKon begins...

Nov 17, 2006 09:43

Well, everyone else is doing it. And this is the only quiet moment I'll have.

If you are reading this, I am quite likely dead, or driven mad by the darkness. I mean, uh...

So today's the convention! There'll be fun, games, and all that goodness. My own personal worries revolve around a few of my activities, but I'm confident we can pull it through. I know a lot of people that I can count on, and I think we can arrange this just right.

I'm hoping so, anyway. :)

Set up begins at 1 pm at the City Union of UNL in Lincoln, NE. The actual convention starts at 5 pm.
Come and hang out, or come and help out. We're all gonna be crazed, but I always appreciate seeing faces I know.

Many people last year, from all previous reports, had no idea we as the staff had no idea what was going on. A large portion was just 'winging' it. This year, much less is being...'wung?' (ow, brain hurts) but it still has the same element of 'wtf are we doing now?'

There are some solid bonds made here that I count on. I know we can pull through this relatively unscathed. And I have faith in what we stand for, as a convention of people that actually *care* about the attendees. What we lack in preparation and professionalism, we will make up for in spirit and energy. We can do this. We'll all be DEAD by the end of this weekend, but we will make something great.

And obviously, it is great, because so far, according to Becky, our web-traffic has *jumped*. Like, major. Like, somewhere in the vicinity of 550 new unique visitors checking our site 8+ times a day. That's a lot of times. And anime geeks don't move alone. Oh no. They move in PACKS.

This is a great thing, but only if we can handle it.

Yeah, can you tell I'm nervous? This is where all of my hard work is either proven to be useless and I ended up a completely useless Activities Head, or I actually did my job.

We'll see. Anyway, wish us luck today.

--- For All The Dreamers


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