Just a week and one and a half day day to FilkCON! Yay!
I'm still planning and started packing already, so that I won't forget something important. Yes, I'm weird about packing, I always think I forget the most important things.
Hehe - I will travel first class to
lisande with whom I will drive to Freusburg. They told me that going first class and paying the budget price was just 3 euros more than going second class and using my "bahncard" (which would have granted me 25% of the whole price). Fun. So my keyboard, my backpack and I will travel first class. I will enjoy that!
Hm..... shall I take a medieval dress with me or not...? *ponders*
I tried to make a costume for the costume competition, but I didn't get it as I wanted to have it, so no costume for me this year. I think it will be a medieval dress, then.
Nothing new about work, I prepared lots of petri dishes for our monocellular friends again and hope that we will get our water samples on Tuesday latest, so that Jan hasn't to do the counting alone. He will be able to do that, right, but he has another job to do and I won't cause him too much lab work.
Yay, it's Wednesday again, that means RPG tonight!