Independence Way

Jul 06, 2004 10:17

My 4-day weekend was packed full of time with friends, fun, sun, and dancing (even if it was less than I could have hoped). It started out with good news from my parents. They're moving up here. Mariner Health, for which my dad is an upper-level executive, was bought out by another company. This is a good thing, in that my dad will stay on for a year and then benefit from a tremendous severance package. This will allow them to move up here. They're looking for a few acres of land out west of DC (near where we are, or west further). If anyone comes across good ideas, please shoot them my way. We're looking to help them find a really awesome place.

I also would like to know towns out west that have really great downtown areas, with historical charm. (Think Leesburg). They want to live near one of those. My dad might open some kind of shop when he retires. He can't sit still.

Let's see....recaps.

Friday I got the good news from mom and dad, and then went and hung out with the smurf crew at the pool. Watched Spiderman, went home and crashed.

Saturday, went to the pool, courtesty of lystra and merkury. At night, went to Ben Theis' party out on the Shenandoah. I got to hang out with all kinds of people I haven't seen in a long time. It was fun especially to see Mandy and Misha, and to meet Nikki (Ben's girlfriend). I got in touch with my spiritual side there, too. Tarot readings on the porch as a blood red moon rises...? Yeah, that's definitely something I'll remember. The fireworks were fun too, even if onomojaku burnt his thumb. Dork!

Sunday it rained and thundered and poured, so we waited until there was a lull, got some food, and ran over to mossneko's place for some fun before heading to Nation. I finally got to see the famous "Once More With Feeling" episode of Buffy. It really was hilarious. I laughed a lot, mocked a lot, and ate a lot. Though I must admit it's hard to cook steak on a stove in a frying pan! Weird. At least Kat has lots of food now! ;)

The club was underwhelming in that not a lot of folks were there, and the music was absolutely abysmal to dance to. I have no idea whether it was just me, but every time I thought of dancing, the worst stuff was playing. I got a necklace and some hair bands with little skulls on them. I almost got a T-shirt that said "Sinner" on it, but I didn't want to advertise. I'd rather be stealthy evil. ;P

The fireworks were kind of ... eh. I don't know what it was, but the weather dampened my enthusiasm, and my back was hurting. Seeing everyone was way fun, though. So that was a bonus. :)

Monday was some shopping and stuff, and then just relaxing. We watched the Dark Fury anime short for the Riddick universe, and really liked it. It was very well done, I thought. I need to read the book at some point; that universe has much more to it than we saw on screen.

And now I'm back to work. I know that was a lame recap, but it was the best I could do! Honest. I'll try to be brilliant later, or something.

What are you looking at!?
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