Jun 12, 2012 15:56
Guys, sorry so much for the extremely long hiatus.
Life was hell, literally.
Buuuut, the first and most incredible thing that I need to share with you today is:
Today I did my last assignment, a public dissertation about my end of degree project "Schizophrenia and Creativity" and, well, it was great. And they gave me freaking 10 out of 10 points. Fuck, the same mark I got for my seven-month internship, by the way. Jujujujujujuju. The professors congratulated me for me work and praised it a lot, saying that it will be an amazing beginning for my end of master project.
Master? What master?
Oh yeah, sorry, forgot xD
Not in London, way to expensive for me xD, but in Barcelona. I'll make an specialization in Mental Health Care in a kick-ass university with the collaboration of one of the best hospitals in Barcelona related to Mental Health illnesses.
Soooo fucking amazing.
I'll move in November ^^ Kinda sad for moving away from my family and friends but... yeah, it'll be so amazingly great. It's totally worth it. ^^
Also, I got my Japanese Marks... 78 out of 80 points in my written test *.*
This year was hell, but totally worth it.
Now, Hiatus is over ^^
What did I miss? xDDDD
got my degree and my master!!!,
so fucking hell yeahhhhhh