So the other thing I wanted to post is an epic tl;dr response to a thread that happened in ONTD. I don't know why I bothered to rise to what was clearly trollbait, but I did, and I ended up liking what I wrote, so I'm reposting it here.
The question:
ONTD, why do ppl love being fat? So. My reply:
Here's the deal: I'm fat, and I'm okay with it. It took a really long time to get to be okay with it, but now I am. Why? Because:
1) I eat ridiculously healthy compared to most of my peers and yet I'm still fat. To lose a significant amount of weight, I would have to either genuinely starve myself, or increase my exercise level by a shitload. I don't want to do either. I could definitely stand to be more in shape, but that's not the same as losing weight, so I'm no longer interested in weight loss as a goal.
2) This is partly because I'm just a large-framed, stocky, big-boned girl. At my thinnest, I was a size 12, but I had cheekbones for days and could almost count my ribs. The point being, I'm literally never going to be skinny -- I would look skeletal at a size 8.
3) After years of shame, I finally am accepting that I'm not hideous at this weight. I've found clothes that do flatter me and when I'm wearing them I look pretty awesome. I get compliments all the time. I can go out and get laid pretty easily.
But frankly, none of this matters, because...
4) Even if I were morbidly obese, unhealthy, hideous, and totally alone, the worst part about being fat is the degree to which other people judge ad shame you -- people, I'm sorry to say, like you. So my personal shit doesn't matter, because no matter what my anecdata is, society needs to get a grip and stop judging fat people for being fat. Being fat doesn't make you a bad person or a failure or anything else. Being fat is one facet of a human being, like having allergies, or wrinkles, or posting on ONTD.
I'm okay with being fat because I stopped caring what assumptions judgmental assholes will make about me just because I'm fat. When I was younger, it was devastating to me, and the kinds of things that people will say to a young fat person are really just unconscionable. But now that I'm older, it's at most an annoyance, and in my head I can tell those people to fuck themselves. And if I'm healthy and think I look good, why the hell else should I care?
Hell, even if I don't look good. This starts to also tie into misogyny here, where it's somehow a woman's "responsibility" to be beautiful at all times, so if I want to say fuck you to that too, why should I even care if I look good?
Would I be thin for a day? Sure. I'm sure my life would be easier. But it's not my fault that life sucks for fat people. It's yours. (Generally, societally.)
TL;DR: It's none of your damn business -- you specifically or society "you" -- but if everyone stopped making it miserable for fat people, you'd have a lot less unhappy fat people.