Apr 19, 2007 15:40
Before I go anywhere with this "review" I must say that the HoYay in this was pure and utter love. That is all.
1. The opener - my response was "Oh shit, flood of blood! Yep, this is House, M.D." Even more like House was the boy wasn't even the (main) POTW. Girl randomly collapses? Check. Opener was a bit dull, but oh well; I have a feeling nothing will ever compare to the lesbian call girl from last episode (woohoo!).
2. Chase and Cam are a bit antagonistic! Not that I blame them (or Chase, at least); Cameron was a real bitch (not that that's anything new). Foreman seems a little pissy, too... poor guy never gets any of the love.
3. Chase = WIN!!! I love how smug he looks walking in the next morning after a long night's rest and the other fellows are exhausted from doing what turned out to be an entire night of pointless dribble. :D "Work smart, not hard."
4. WILSON IN THE FIRST 15 MINUTES! Oh my god, I'm in heaven. :) Nice to know TPTB have picked up on the novel idea of House and Wilson talking to each other. Andandand - Wilson SO thought he was coming with House for a secret rendevous! *squee* Slashy or not, which ever way you take this scene it is pure love! I so feel for the guy... he just wants to spend time with his bestest fuckbuddy in the whole wide world! Oh, and it's not monster trucks but:
House: You want the tickets or not?
Wilson: [sighs, sounds frustrated] Why don't you want to go with me?
House: It's a play. Dudes only go to plays if they're dragged by women they're hoping to see naked.
Wilson: So why are you giving them to me?
House: Maybe there's someone you want to see naked.
Wilson: I ... [more sighing, frustration] All right.
XD!!! There can be only one conclusion for this, using the following logic: 1) House says taking someone to a play means you want to see them naked. 2) Wilson wants to go with House to the play. 3) Wilson wants to see House naked!!
And he looked so adorably disappointed when House refused... poor guy. :(
5. Jasper's little crush on Cam is kind of cute, kind of amusing, kind of scary. I can't help but laugh hysterically at the thought of him oogling Camerons, um... bountiful assets, which are, by the way not bountiful at all. She has got to be flatter than Chase, but TPTB keep insisting that she's somehow got this magnificent rack?! Wtf.
AW he stole flowers for her! Too bad this means the kid has piss poor taste... seriously, run away, buddy! Run while you still can!! Poor Chase getting all flustered that his spot is being usurped by an eight-year-old boy with too much sex on his mind. (AND HE GRABS HER ASS! SEXUALLY HARRASSED BY AN EIGHT-YEAR-OLD! That'll teach ya, Cam.)
6. So, no more fucking like rabbits in patients' homes, eh Cam? Although they did share under-the-bed-space that was very reminiscent of the House/Stacy-waiting-in-the-attic-for-Steve McQueen scene. And OMGBLOOD. This guy's kids have some serious bleeding issues. The boy gushes like Niagra Falls from his nose, and the SIX YEAR OLD GIRL is fuckin' menstruating! Kind of feel sorry for her, though; I know I was a bit freaked out when I started and... well, she doesn't even know what a "period" is. Eeek - and the shaving!! Excuse me while I proceed to twitch in sympathetic pain.... x_x
7. "Never is just reveN spelled backwards." Oh House, how I love thee. XD!
8. Hells yea, Foreman kicks ass!! Such an intense guy... probably should work on his delivery, though - not the best questioner in the world. :P "Are you abusing your daughter?" Never bats an eye! Wow, nothing much phases him, eh? Still, one more reason why Foreman is so much love.
9. OMG!Clinic patient!!! Hahahaha... I got suspicious when he insisted that he couldnt "pee in public... places", but I figured he was just a junkie.
"Am I gonna be okay?"
"No. You're pregnant."
Ahaha - oh, I always enjoy clinic scenes.
10. "Panty hamster get a spin on its wheel?" !!!!!!!!!!!!! XD There is not much more I can say about that. House = BEST EUPHEMISMS EVAH (another: "squish mitten"!!! omg...)
11. It's the return of jealous!House! :) The HoYay just keeps on coming in this episode... TRANSCRIPT TIME:
H: You're trying to have sex with Cuddy.
W: Fries?
H: You took her to a play. You only take women to plays because --
W: No, you only take women to plays for that reason. That's your theory.
H: Okay, then why did you take her to a play?
W: She's a friend.
H: Friend with a squish mitten.
W: It is possible to have a friend of the opposite sex without --
H: Blasphemer! She's not a friend of the opposite sex, she's a different species. She's an administrator. She's going to eat your head after she's done.
W: Yes, I slept with her.
H: [stunned] Seriously?
W: No.
H: [staring at him suspiciously] Yes, you did.
W: [whispers] Yes, I did.
H: [sort of scandalized] Seriously? [When are we going to get this in icon form? Preferably with "seriously" written as "SRSLY???" - I.W.]
W: No. You got a problem, House.
Lmfao...The expressions were absolutely perfect; I can tell Hugh and RSL had a blast with this scene - they're truly back on their game! And House needs to just shut it - YOU KNOW YOU WERE HIS FIRST CHOICE, DAMNIT! Wilson should just hit on every lesbian hooker he can find until House gets a fucking clue. SRSLY.
12. The Ham is utterly dead in this episode. Dead and rancid. *cheers* What with House taking her down a notch when she insists on wasting her time with environmental causes like shampoo ("I wouldn't recognize you if you didn't." Booyah) and then the whole "You're way too skinny to be menstruating." Yea, Cam, he's really interested in you /sarcasm. Foreman missed the third option in his questioning of Chase, though ("Either she's lying, or she's actually emotionally detached. Which one sounds more like Cameron to you?") - the answer is quite clearly that she's off her meds again! For shame, Cam, for shame...
13. Chase, the poor dear... he really needs a hug! I think he's gotten more character development in the past couple episodes during this thing with Cam than he got throughout the past two seasons. He's so frickin adorable, and I goddamn knew Cameron was going to break is poor, little, Aussie heart - THE BITCH. She doesn't deserve him fawning over her. Their last scene together was really bittersweet, with Chase outwardly acknowledging that Cameron doesn't want a relationship with him, but he buys her beautiful flowers anyway. *insert squeeage*
14. Aaaaand, Wilson is officially freaked out! XD Sign #3,459 that our dear Oncologist Boy Wonder is g-a-y! He is utterly terrified that Cuddy may be interested in him! Is it just me or is RSL incredibly animated this episode? For the longest time he's had this horribly subdued/stressed/depressed look about him, but he's practically oozing energy in every scene he's in now. *prays to TPTB* PLEASE MEAN THEY'RE GOING BACK TO NORMAL! I BEG OF YOU!! WHERE IS THE HOLMESIAN H/W LOVE?!?
"You were a good friend! I'll miss you!!" Way to go, House, bidding your buddy a fond farewell as he flees from the inevitable doom that awaits him in the jaws of Administrative-Cuddy-Monster. I swear Wilson is scampering. I swear it! Scampering away... XD He's so effin adorkable (yes, that misspelling was intended).
"I sent him flowers." <-- Such a smug look!! House is enjoying himself too much... or perhaps, not enough... I'm sure he'd enjoy himself even more if they just jumped straight to the rutting. :D
15. Cam pulling the dead husband card? Um, NO. House pulling the dead, er, wife card? OMG, YES. "My wife died because she signed a consent form I didn't want her to sign." Interesting how that is almost true, although Stacy didn't die, she wasn't his wife, and the consent form was for him and not her. Holy cow, it's almost like CONTINUITY. No way...
15. The medical mystery: dick cream oozing out of pores onto your kids to give them an overdose of testosterone?? Ooookay.... seems a bit out there and a little disgusting. Still... "There's something wrong in your pants" <-- brilliant. :D And of course House is all about the PC when going to the daycare center and interrogating a young 6-year-old: "Do you have hair in your special place?" Hey, he didn't say vagina or cootchie!
18. Final scene with the Huddy felt really contrived. I'm willing to believe that, sure, House wants to have sex with Cuddy. Who wouldn't? She is fuckin' gorgeous! But I'm disinclined to think that he would want it as anything more than hot, hot sex. Everytime TPTB try to get House in an emotional attachement state with another character, it always ends up feeling incredibly awkward and forced - except when it's with Wilson! They really are the show's true love.
H: Just be straight with her.
W: I'm not sure I know what that is.
Well, that's step one, Wilson. Now just realize, that's because you're gay. :D I seriously thought for a moment that we were about to see Wilson finally come out of the closet. Alas.
Still, that entire scene was OMGH/WFTWILOVEYOU!!! I'm pretty sure I flailed throughout the entire thing. And:
W: You're a jerk.
H: 'Night, Wilson.
W: 'Night, House.
THIS. THIS RIGHT HERE is what I LOVE about their relationship! It's so.. so... easy, so natural. Even after that charged moment of Wilson trying to find a way out of responding to Cuddy and House half-heartedly egging him on, they can slip right back into the companionship we all know and love. It's beautiful. I think Wilson's "decision" to kiss Cuddy was him trying to force House into fessing up, but of course, this doesn't work and it ends up with Wilson coming right back to House's office practically admitting outloud that he doesn't want to kiss Cuddy - he wants to kiss House.
God, House, get a clue
house m.d.,
episode review,