Faith in country and humanity restored

Nov 06, 2008 14:15

So, I still can't quite believe it. We won - we actually won. Our voices were heard and the government changed for us. I don't think I've ever been more proud of my country.

Here's a funny story about election night! Leah, Anna, and I were sitting around the TV and our computers, watching the results and listening to all the media chatter. We flipped to Comedy Central briefly to check on The Daily Show/Colbert Report's coverage only to suddenly hear screaming from all the apartments around us. Our reaction? FUCK YES! We couldn't believe it and scrambled to check CNN again. Hol-ee crap! I can't begin to describe the euphoria of that moment.

It wasn't long before we heard a crowd of students outside cheering and heading down the stairs. Yes, that's right. We took our celebration out to the streets and did a victory lap of the campus! IT WAS EPIC! Cars actually honked at us as they passed, people giving us thumbs up and everything. We peeked into the Trackside Tavern on the way to campus and cheered our heads off a the bar patrons. XD Luckily they cheered right back!

It was an incredible night. Obama's speech was all I had hoped for - a call for unity; recognition that it was not just a victory for him, but a victory for every single one of us, no matter our party affiliation, race, gender, age; an acknowledgement that this is only the beginning and that we have a long, hard road ahead, but with hope we know that "Yes, we can."

So... let's get a HELLS YEAH for this victory that will go down in history - and for all the right reasons! A bit of celebration as our new President-elect Barack Obama begins to work toward steering this country in a direction that follows its people.

[ETA] - Al Meyerhoff does an excellent job in articulating all my hopes and concerns of the coming years in his article "Great Expectations", at Campaign for America's Future.

[ETA2] - In honor of what happened, a look back on that inspiring message:

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obama, politics

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