Wizards party like it's 1999!

Jul 10, 2008 10:04

 This past Monday, 
bleached_drama  came home from work and asked me if I wanted to go listen to some wizard rock at Wordsmiths, a local bookstore that often hosts live music, open mic nights, poetry readings, book discussions, etc. I thought "Oh hell yeah!" and we were off. My back and neck had been acting up that day, but the resulting pain was totally worth the three hours of sheer awesome! We both danced like the losers we are and rocked out with 12 year olds. XD

Wizard rocker Justin Finch Fletchley - the opening act.

The Whomping Willows perform on Wizard Rock Night. Their drummer, Little Whompy, was so shy that he was hiding in a computerunder an Invisibility Cloak all night! ;)

Draco and the Malfoys - probably my favorite performance of the night. They were just so... enthusiastic! XD And all over each other, no joke. Is it sad that I totally ship them now? Because really, they just climbed all over each other. The bald one (Draco from his 19th year at Hogwarts, I think? lol) was really nice. I got to talk to him after the performance when I bought a copy of their new cd and had him sign it.

The Remus Lupins, whose lead singer executed what may be the first official stage dive ever done off the Wordsmiths' stage. These guys were hilarious - especially the Lupin with the tie around his head. He rocked it out like crazy, at one point head banging in the corner so that his forhead rhythmically smacked the standing cymbols attached to the drum set. XDD My second favorite performers!

Wizard rock is an international movement of bands that write songs based on and inspired by Harry Potter. The whole store was packed!

Another shot of the Whomping Willows - and as you can see, I'm not joking when I say it was packed!

And here's a video one of the fans put together as a recap of the event!

wizard rock, harry potter

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