Snow part 2

Jan 19, 2008 19:37

 A couple hours later, I went back outside to find even more snow on the ground! I proceeded to take a 1 1/2 hour walk around the campus area and the woods behind it. :)

A cute, tiny snowman!

Alumni garden

The creepy statue from the other night. :) Don't blink!

Gorgeous berries burried in snow

More alumni garden

Even more garden

Why hello there, Robert Frost! Spying on unsuspecting students, are you? Maybe he's just upset about his snow-hat.

The same bushes outside the dining hall from my last entry - now with a lot more snow!

The ginormous magnolia outside the dining hall! I love how the leaves catch all the snow.

The quad with more snow!

Snowman on the quad! When I got back from my walk, there were two more to keep this guy company. :)

Looking back towards the Quad from between the library and Alston.

The science quad! There were actually several people running across it having a snowball fight. It looked like fun!

Heading toward Woodruff, our workout center. I deliberately tried to get the girl in the shot because I loved the contrast of her bright umbrella.

The grass in front of Woodruff. The bare trails are where people rolled up snow to make...

... this! He was very nearly as tall as me!

The dark tree trunk and pure white snow is lovely.

As you head toward the observatory, it gets steadily more woody.

The Bradley Observatory

Looking back down the path that lead up to the observatory.

The observatory, closer up

Benches outside the observatory

Looking out on the snow-covered track & field and homes from the observatory.

Road behind the observatory

Getting deeper into the forest


Interesting fallen tree trunk

Road leading into the forest.


Another shot that got the strange yet cool lighting...

You can nearly see the individual flakes!

I find writing in snow beautiful.

This is when I turned around and started heading back.

I just liked the snow sitting on top of the mailbox.


Back on campus - outside Alston.

Shot of the front entrance to campus.

Another view of the front of campus.

I talked to the creators of this masterpiece, and we all agreed that it looks very much like a drunken panda!

Inman - my dorm!

And finally the dining hall. :)

It's been snowing sporadically since then, and says it should continue through the night. Hopefully it won't melt too early tomorrow!


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