
Jan 17, 2008 18:14


I had fun and took a bunch of photos...

Trashbin - the first thing I saw covered in snow when I stepped outside!


This little guy was sitting on one of the tables outside.

I cannot begin to describe my joy.

bleached_drama thought the statue looked cool. I agree, although I am reminded of Blink and am a bit frightened now... ;D


The sidewalk outside Inman.

I have no idea whose car this is, but they were all covered in snow! Perfect for snowballs...

... or for drawing in. ;)

Yay, more grass!

A cool looking tree.

I was very excited!!

Potted plants even got snow-love! *oogles over it all*

The bench looks pretty cool, with the snow all neatly piled up on it like that. :)

Cuteness! <3 <3

You can sort of see the footprints...

I think this is one of my favorite shots of the night.

And after dinner, the snow had gathered even more...

It seems somebody else had the snowman idea, too!

Well, it's true.

:D :D :D :D :D :D

Snow on magnolia leaves!

Snow on English ivy!

More prettiness...

Walking back across the grass to my dorm, I turned around and got this. :) My second-favorite shot!

Sadly, it is all gone now. Maybe it'll do it again??? *hopes like crazy*

photos, snow

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